Chloé Caroline

Chloé and I have known each other for a long time now, and she’s one of the first independent artists I ever supported. She recently released her new single “Ready” and it is definitely her best song ever released (in my opinion). It marks a new beginning for her, as an artist and as a human being and the song perfectly reflects her state of mind. I remember she posted an acoustic version of the song a while back and I remember thinking “that’s my favorite Chloé Caroline song”. Now that it’s out, everybody can hear how GOOD this song is and how amazing Chloé is. “Ready” is catchy, uplifting and it has some of the best melodies.

I’m hoping to hear more bangers from her soon ! But for now, go stream “Ready” :)

Photo credit: James LaMarr

Hi Chloé ! How are you? What have you been up to? 

Hi! I am doing fabulous! Been working hard since releasing "Ready" and getting it out there! Currently sipping on an oat milk latte though and just journaled. 

"Ready" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

This was inspired by my own realization that I was the only one holding myself back from true happiness and the next level of my life. I was hustling and trying to manage every part of my life to the extent that I feared making certain shifts my heart was telling me to make because I was afraid of not just losing control but the potential outcome. It took someone telling me I "wasn't ready" for me to realize I was and decided to prove them wrong. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? When did you start working on this song? Who helped you create it? 

Sure! I wrote this song the same day I was told I wasn't ready and I was fired up yet discouraged. Darren Rayl, is a close friend and almost like a mentor to me and we chatted about how no one could make that decision that I was ready or not but ME and that sometimes it takes trustfalling to the universe and potentially losing other things to create space for bigger blessings. Johanna Cranitch was also there that day and she had flown from LA to Nashville to write with us, we had never written before that day but hit it off. Darren had a track he had already started with these weird bird sounds in the intro and I thought it would be a great metaphor for freedom and letting go. So we took those then started a completely new track with just piano at first. After that day, Darren and I spent session after session trying a bunch of different things. I wanted it to be this combo of vulnerability and rawness but with a side of badass cool factor. It's hard to not make a motivational song cheesy and so we worked hard at getting that balance. I wanted to have that groove just hit you in the fact and be kinda funky. I always love paying homage to my different influences so there's some rock, pop, R&B, 70's and 90's inspo all woven into a pop song. It was mixed in Thailand crazily enough at Karma Sound Studios when I was there working, right after I rebased back to LA. 

What did you feel when writing this song? 

It set the precedent for what I knew I needed to do. It became a vehicle for my shift in mindset and saying it out loud set everything into motion, as it usually does with any affirmation. Definitely felt freeing but also nerve-wracking. 

What's your favorite thing about this single? 

I love that when people listen to it, it fires them up and I've witnessed it time and time again. It's the coolest thing. 

What made you want to release "Ready" as a single? 

I thought it was the perfect introduction to the next step of my life, career, and sound as well. Really kicking it off and setting the tone for the vibe I want to put out to the world and what I think my purpose is as an artist. I want to always encourage people to live their most authentic lives and come together in that to continue spreading light and love :) I also think the timing is fitting after we've all been through this period of complete surrender where we have had a universal blindfold on to the unknown. Now that we're transitioning from that, there are so many things I think we are ready to do but also we have adapted to finding freedom in other ways within the constraints of a pandemic and that is incredible. It's all about our perspective and the power of that.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I feel like there are more opportunities than ever to build a fan base and release music as an independent artist but I still feel like there are certain gatekeepers that make it really difficult for those same artists to cut through next to major label artists, mainly in regards to playlisting with streaming but radio as well. I love that there is so much unique music out there because of the accessibility to put it out there on Spotify, Apple Music, etc but it also is sad that some of those artists that are blowing up on there, might still never get a shot at radio because it doesn't fit in the box of what's trending. I'd love to hear more of those underground artists on a larger scale. I also think everything has been dark for so long and I'd love to put the "feel good" back out there in music (that doesn't necessarily mean happy songs 24/7 but there's a feel good vibe that's missing). 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

I have everything I need within me and I am already free if I choose to be. 

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

We all have limitless potential for everything in our lives. We just need to make room for it by leading with our hearts first always and then flowing. 

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