Sound Kodz

Hip-hop trio Sound Kodz has just released their new empowering single “Open Your Eyes”. I featured solo hip-hop artists before but I believe this is my first time featuring a hip-hop trio. I’m proud to welcome Sound Kodz on my blog. They deliver authenticity and honesty into their art and that’s all I’m asking for.

Produced by Mik Moli Music, the story behind the song is about never giving up on ourselves and to keep pushing no matter what. It’s a song I immediately enjoyed listening for the feel-good vibe and the powerful lyrics. We need this now more than ever. More positivity and more people telling us that things will get better. “Open Your Eyes” is inspiring.

Thank you so much Sound Kodz for what you do.

“Open Your Eyes” is a must listen !

Introduce the group and the story behind Sound Kodz.

(Cellane): We are a hiphop trio. Our stage names are Cellane, Mark Mood and One Verse. Our group is defined by our positive outlook, clean and clever messaging. Our group was developed because we wanted to add a sound to the industry that you don't really hear anymore. 

Open your eyes is the new single. What's the inspiration behind it?

(Mark Mood): Things that are going on in the world are discouraging. There's a lot of negativity and people need to hear something uplifting. 

Describe the song writing/ production process for the single. When did you start working on it?

(Cellane): When our producer 'Mik Moli Music' sent us the beat,  there was a voice in the intro that whispered "Open your eyes." That triggered the concept. We received the song at a time when our world was and is going through very difficult changes. It was the end of 2020.

The song is about being grateful, open your eyes to be able to see and shun  negativity. Also, never give up on yourself no matter what. Stay positive and keep your head up. ALWAYS.

What did you feel when writing the song?

(One Verse): I felt a really relaxed yet uplifting energy when writing 'Open Your Eyes'. I wanted to make something catchy and really smooth that anyone could vibe with.

What's your favorite thing about this single?

(Mark Mood): The vibe. It's laid back and feels good when you listen to it. It sounds complete.

What can you tell me about the artwork?

(Mark Mood): We wanted something simple. Nothing flashy that would take away from the song. We made sure that the artwork would fit the vibe of the song. It's clean, smooth and to the point.

What do you want people to feel when listening to the song?

(One Verse): I definitely wish for people to feel some type of peace when they listen to the song. Whether it be a hopeful vibration or an optimistic feel. I want people to feel better when hearing this track. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing what would it be?

(One Verse): I believe today's music industry is less about the holistic nature of music and more about fame and monetary benefits from this business. Many artists have a wide reaching influence and not many use that influence to produce positive communal change.

If I could change one thing about the industry,  I would create a new frequency standard which would create healing frequencies that help the body and mind of human beings.

What advice would you give artists out there?

(Cellane): Remain humble, be yourself and  understand the power of influence. Be a pillar that the youth can embrace to help them grow into beautiful souls.

In your opinion what would make the world a better place?

(One Verse): I believe that shifting the intent of people's thoughts and feelings would have a huge impact worldwide. If every person would get back into nature and retune their entire system with that of the sun and earth, we would see a massive change in the way we all perceive life and treat others as well as ourselves. 

What message do you want to give to the younger generation?

(Cellane): What you say tells people who you are. What you do shows people who you are. What you embrace shows people what you are. Be the best you that you can be.

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