Stephen Babcock

It is my third time featuring Stephen Babcock on my blog and I couldn’t be more excited about this new release. He dropped his second album “When We Were Kids Ourselves” last November and today he is offering a brand new single titled “Sara”. I believe this new single is my favorite Stephen Babcock’s song. It’s catchy, fun and nostalgic. A classic.

Make sure to stream “Sara”, now available everywhere.

Photo credit: Luke Rodgers

Hi Stephen - how are you? What have you been up to since our last feature? 

Howdy! Since the last feature, I did a small east coast tour and then put out my album "When We Were Kids Ourselves". The album came out in November and it's been great to see everyone's response to the songs. 

"Sara" is your new single - what made you want to release "Sara" as the first single of the year? 

"Sara" was originally supposed to go on my new album, but I decided to keep the track off the main album listing because I wanted to give it its own release window in 2023. When we made the song, I felt like the story was something I wanted to have shine on its own. Putting it out this year gave the song a special moment.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

The songwriting process, like pretty much all the songs I have released, I wrote at home in my small studio space. I knew I wanted to tap into this nostalgic theme I had kicking around about missing where you're from. I took that theme and ran with this story idea of about a couple of high school sweethearts that end up getting separated when one person leaves town and the other is left behind.
The song was recorded in Winston-Salem, NC alongside William Hinson. He's been the engineer and producer on my last two records and our relationship in the studio really helps make these songs exactly what they need to be. He's been my collaborative partner now for a few years and we have made some wonderful stuff so far.

What's your favorite lyric on "Sara"? 

"What's it feel like to be a mother? Do you think back to when we were kids ourselves"? I feel like so many people I know now are starting to have families and it can be somewhat surreal. You see people you used to have 2nd period AP Biology with all of a sudden with 3 kids and you start to ask yourself "where did the time go".

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? 

My hope is that they feel the nostalgia in the song. It's something I really wanted to bring into the song and pull in my own feelings of leaving a small town myself to go chase my dream of being a musician and songwriter. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork for the single is a photo shot by Luke Rodgers in Nashville. I love Luke's use of film photography in simple ways, and I felt this shot really captured this older, nostalgic photography feel I was hoping to get. I think it ties in well with the song thematically too.

How did people respond to your album "When We Were Kids Ourselves"? 

The response has been really positive and I am flattered by all the listeners so far. People around the world have reached out and sent me stories of what certain songs mean to them. When I do live streams on my Instagram (@StephenBMusic), fans often chime in and request songs from the record too. That's all I could ever ask for really; that the record found its way to people who love it as I do. It’s why I keep making music and doing what I do.

What made you want to name your album "When We Were Kids Ourselves"? 

I'm at this weird stage of life where I'm straddling young adulthood and being a fully grown person. I often catch myself writing and thinking about nostalgia and its effects on me as a person. I knew that title rang true with a lot of people my age who don't fully feel "grown" yet, but realize that no one can stop time moving forward. I think it's important to think about when you were a kid to help frame up your future and who you want to be. Also, everyone is out here having kids at like 26 and I'm just happy to be making music so far!

What biggest lesson have you learned in 2022? 

Don't compare yourself to others. No matter what you're doing in life, you're on your own path. Knowing that allows you to truly find your own happiness.

What are your goals for 2023? 

I've been working on a new EP/Album that I can't wait to share in the new year. Additionally, I am trying to book more shows, but being very selective with what and how I am doing things. For so long I've always been the guy who overworks himself to the bone and then feels like there isn't much to show for it. I am aiming to grow my team this year, put out more music, and most importantly, engage more with the fans that love my songs.

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