Tangerine Cassette

Tangerine Cassette is your new favorite duo. Josh Roach and Natalie Cleveland have just released their debut single “DOWN'“ (with Willyecho) and it’s refreshing, innovative, different and exciting. The explosive single is a great introduction to their colorful music. Combining both of their incredible talents, Tangerine Cassette was the project we were all waiting for.

“DOWN” is a must listen, and it is available everywhere.

What's your story? 

The first time I heard something that made me feel a way about music I was on a roadtrip with my dad and I heard “Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis. I started singing and writing music and signed my first record deal with an indie label in Kansas City when I was 15. I’ve had a lot of creative opportunities come my way, I’ve been a creative director, cinematographer, video editor, a graphic designer and somehow ended up on FOX’s LegoMasters Season 2 on a whim and even winning a build challenge on the show. My main passion is music and it’s been so fun to get to do that with one of my best friends.

Josh found a snare drum in his garage at age 3 and it was all over. That turned into a fulltime career for him as a multifaceted musician. He’s had a record deal with Warner Bro’s, played for sold-out 18,000 seat arenas, and co-wrote a #1 song on Billboard/MediaBase for 5 consecutive weeks. He’s scored on projects for NASA, HP, McDonald’s and UnderArmor to name a couple. He’s very into alien conspiracy theories, OU football and a massive movie buff (horror films are fav).

When did you decide to form Tangerine Cassette? When did you know the kind of music you wanted to make for Tangerine Cassette? How would describe it today? 

Josh and I met through my husband actually. They used to be in a band that toured all over the country playing in arenas for a brief period of time. Our families became close pretty fast. When I wanted to get back into creating music the first call I made was to Josh. 

We didn’t really settle into our sound until maybe 15 or so songs in. The songs at first were really eclectic individually and didn’t necessarily go together if you would have played those songs back to back. After a while we realized by infusing all those sounds/styles into each song they were more cohesive.

Tangerine Cassette began in 2021 making what we like to call “noise pop,” We sample a lot of our own sounds from things in our everyday life. Things like spoons in a ziplock bag to use as a backbeat or windshield wipers or the hum of a blender. We like to try and keep it interesting.

"DOWN" is our debut single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

“Down,” is our debut single with our friend Kyle Williams (Willyecho). It’s a pop electronic/dance song with a sprinkle of 70s. We like to think it’s a glittering invitation for overthinkers and anyone with anxiety to step out of their brain maze and have a good time.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? When did you start working on it? 

Josh originally started writing this song with Kyle (Willyecho). They had a verse and chorus but then the song sat on a harddrive for a few years. After we started Tangerine Cassette, Josh asked Kyle if me and him could take a stab at finishing it out.

With diagnosed anxiety myself, I definitely related to the song start. We’ve shared stories on our socials about our anxiety and have cracked up at the DM responses from friends with similar embarrassing stories. A couple of the stories we shared were about where Josh’s social anxiety began (spoiler alert: being a volunteer for a dolphin show at SeaWorld) or mixing up his words in front of 18,000 people. I’ve blacked out from stress a bunch over the years but one time I hit my head and ended up with a Harry Potter scar on my forehead or one time I stuck my foot in my mouth accidentally saying I hated a song that the person across the table had been involved with. 

What made you want to collaborate with Willyecho on this record? 

We both know Kyle from back when my husband, Michael, and Josh were in a band with Kyle. Kyle is super funny and stupidly talented. We were excited to collaborate on this song with him. 

What's your favorite lyric on "DOWN"? 

Spotlight // All eyes looking at me // All I wanna do is breathe”.

What made you want to release "DOWN" as a single? 

A song about anxiety seems fitting for our debut single. We’re both a bit awkward and have major anxiety. (laughs). DOWN is all about that feeling of wanting to go out and dance or let loose but the feeling of people watching you or judging you makes you change your mind altogether and you end up canceling plans and staying home. 

DOWN is our oldest song we’ve worked on together. Even after we finished it we weren’t sure what to do with it. We didn’t realize until after we had finished another 15 or so songs that DOWN was kind of the perfect springboard for all of the other songs sonically. It only seemed right to release it as our debut single. Also who doesn't like getting to do things with friends?!

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

Originally we had planned on the artwork looking like a vintage record to tie in to the retro vibes sonically and the mockups looked fine but it didn't necessarily tell a story. One night I went to the grocery store in my fuzzy pink slippers (bc who cares tbh) and it was like omg that’s it, slippers, robes, and changing your plans from going out to staying home. Since Kyle lives in Nashville and we’re in Tulsa we pitched him the idea and he sent us an iphone photo of him in a robe and I photoshopped him on the couch that Josh and I were sitting on. Then I made it look like a vinyl record still wrapped in the plastic. It kind of all worked out.

What message do you want to deliver through your music? What's your goal for Tangerine Cassette? 

We just want to make people feel good and maybe move a little. Our goal is to be on your favorite playlist that has all those songs that just make you feel good. 

Any upcoming project(s)? 

We have a stripped version of DOWN coming out in the next couple of weeks with a music video. We have a hype track called Gibberish coming out after that and it’s all about having the best time with your besties. 

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