Tessa Kaye

I absolutely LOVE Tessa Kaye’s latest single. Produced by Jaxon Garrick, “Sunshine & Rainbows” is about the frustrations that can arise from dealing with "toxic positivity". Life is not perfect and it is okay to feel any emotion but most of all, it is okay to not feel happy all the time. Tessa Kaye created an important and empowering song. We need this now more than ever.

With a colorful production, straightforward lyrics and efficient melodies, “Sunshine & Rainbows” is a smash pop record.

Tessa Kaye is a phenomenal artist and I’m super happy I got to interview her !!

Go stream it now :)

Photo credit: Rachel Green

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

I’m Tessa Kaye! I’m a black, queer,  genre-bendy, alt-pop/r&b-pop artist born in Philadelphia, raised in Utah and currently based in Los Angeles! I have four singles out currently: “Fools Gold,” “You know who you are, and I hate you,” “Smile More,” and now “Sunshine & Rainbows.” I’m a cancer moon and write a lot about all of my very big feelings. Follow all my socials @tessa_kaye to keep up with me and stay tuned for my future releases!


What did you grow up listening to?

I grew up listening to pretty much every genre. Some of my earliest memories of music are singing and dancing around in the living room to Motown with my little sister. I grew up listening to a lot of classic rock as well thanks to my dad haha, and Whitney Houston thanks to mom. I listened to Rihanna, Beyoncé, Jessie J, P!nk… I’d always be watching their music videos and live performances. I listened to a lot of Nicki Minaj, Kid Cudi, B.o.B., Wiz Khalifa… I was also sooo obsessed with alternative music as a child, like, I’d love to blast Simple Plan in my bedroom on some “no one understands me” vibes you know? hahaha, super loved them, Jimmy Eats World, Green Day, Good Charlotte, All American Rejects etc! All kinds of music, all of the time.


When did you start writing and singing?

I honestly cannot remember a time in my life where I wasn’t obsessed with music! I started talking before I was a year old and have been singing ever since then too haha. I would write poems and make up songs all the time when I was a little girl. It’s so precious and embarrassing to look back at what I wrote when I was super young hahah, but yeah it’s always been a huge part of me.


What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music?

I’m very lucky to have a lot of amazing family and friends in my life who have helped me believe in myself. I’d honestly say it’s still an ongoing thing… Trying to remain confident in this industry can be tricky, but positive affirmations, a solid support system and loving to create music with my entire soul is what gives me the confidence to be an artist and release my own music. I’ve also received the most lovely messages from my listeners that I don’t know, and being able to make songs that other people connect with in so many ways is definitely another driving force for me!


Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My parents for suuure. When it comes to my music… My mom and dad believing in me and helping me believe in myself, is really all I've ever known. I’m incredibly grateful to them for that and feel super fortunate that that's been my experience.


"Sunshine & Rainbows" is your new single - what’s the inspiration/story behind this song?

I wrote this song because so many times I've found myself in situations where I was trying to mask my authenticity to not come off as “negative.” I've swallowed my own hurt in order to keep a happy, positive disposition for others, and that shit’s dead now! Life isn’t always sunshine & rainbows…and I’d say that’s kinda the whole point. Balance baby. Contrast. Bad times just make the good ones feel that much better.



When did you start working on this song? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it?

The very first time I got an idea in my head for this song, it was October 2020 haha, so forever ago!!! After getting all my initial ideas out of me, I wrote the song with LaFrantz around the beginning of 2021. Even though the song is about a frustrating topic to me, I wanted to get it out in an energetic, feel good way. My producer Jaxon Garrick did the damn thing… I think the song really does feel like sunshine and I love that contrast to the subject matter.


What did you feel when writing this song?

I felt frustrated and then liberated! I was writing about so many just.. Absolutely maddening experiences haha, but it always feels so good to get it out into a song. 


What do you want people to feel when listening to "Sunshine & Rainbows"?

I want my listeners to feel liberated as well! I hope this song does for them what it has for me. I want people to hear this song and feel empowered to lean into ALL of their feelings… not just the positive ones, and know that’s okay.

 As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

Hardest part for me- not comparing my journey to others and remembering my own magic! Best part is easily human connection.. When I get messages from my listeners about how they relate to me/my music in so many ways, and that it’s helped them through things etc- my heart can hardly take it! It makes me sooo happy. I love love love getting to create music that’s healing and fun for me and then hand it over to whoever needs it too.


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

We need more women in music, period! Every single area.


What advice would you give to the LGBTQ+ community? 

Ahh, my sweet LGBTQ+ angels… I would say only do what feels good and safe to YOU. Seriously, make it all about you and remember you don't owe anyone anything. Come out or don’t on your timeline, and in a way that’s most comfortable to you. Label yourself or don’t depending on what makes you feel happy and understood within yourself. Remember none of this is black and white, and allow yourself the space and time to question, explore and discover who you are. 


What message do you want to give to anyone struggling with their mental health? 

You’re not alone!!! I know it’s so hard to do, but ask for help from friends, family etc. Chances are they’ve felt some of the things you are and you don’t have to suffer in silence. If you have access to it… therapy therapy therapy! Positive affirmations are sooo key. Also, gentle reminder that it’s okay to just let a bad mental health day be exactly that. Remind yourself a new day is coming soon and know you always get to try again. There isn’t anything wrong with you if your mental struggle wins sometimes. Lastly, I love you!


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Always more equality.


What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

How important it is to live a life of authenticity. The more I lean into my truth and away from what other people expect or want from me, the happier I become.


What message do you want to give to the world?

Be nicer!!! And that includes being nicer to yourself. Have more empathy. Think about your life and how little most people know about it… and then remember that you know just as little about most everyone else. So try your hardest to be nice, you just don’t know what someone is carrying at any given moment.

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