Teygen Gayse

Teygen Gayse’s new single “Messed Up” is huge. You instantly know that this song is going to be a smash. It’s been on repeat for days and listening to it just makes me feel happy. The chorus melodies are timeless. The B-chorus has to be the best part in my opinion. I can’t get enough of it.

“Messed Up” is efficient and it’s hard not to love it. Teygen Gayse delivered the perfect Spring/Summer record and I hope many of you will get to hear it.

Go stream “Messed Up” now :)

Photo credit: Emma Lee

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hi ! My name is Teigen Gayse and I’m a singer / songwriter from Kelowna BC! I absolutely love the creative process of making music. Getting to play it live has been a real full circle moment for me. I guess you’d say it’s my passion. I can’t wait for you to hear all the new music I’ve been doing.

When did you start writing songs?

Song structure always came so innately to me. I remember writing music in my backyard with my neighbor when I was like 10 years old. And then when I was 13 I really started getting into it and went to Vancouver and recorded a couple songs but I still didn’t play the guitar yet. When I was 16 I got my first guitar, learned 3 chords and haven’t stopped since.

When did you know you could sing?

I was always singing growing up and everyone always told me I could sing so I just kept doing it because I loved it. I remember being just a little tyke running around the skating arena in tumbler ridge and kids would gather around in circles to listen to me sing haha. I would sing blue moon.

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music?

I don’t think I really did know I just saw an opportunity and I took it. once I got a taste of it I was in for the long haul. There is no better feeling than releasing music that people can connect with.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

My mom always believed in me, she knew I was destined to entertain in some way or another but funny enough my ex-boyfriend’s mom always believed in me to this day still helps me in any way she can. My big first recognition in my career was winning trending track for stingray radio. That gave me my foot in the door, so I am forever grateful for stingray. I remember sending my song I Don’t Wanna Fall in Love Anymore to Shilo Bellis and I thought for sure I was gonna get some harsh criticism back but I got the kindest email back and I happy danced around my whole house. I’ll remember that forever. Now I have a manager that believes in me, and she is so great. I prayed for someone like her.

What lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

Don’t take things to heart. Learn from it and move on and NEVER GIVE UP. You get told “no” a lot in this business and it’s the people that keep at it that succeed.

"Messed Up" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this single?

I wrote this song with my good friends in Nashville and Chris Buck brought the title messed up into the write and Jimmy Thow was all like “what about like messed up in a good way” ahhah and the rest is history, Jordan Oorbeeck built a sick track, and we birthed a song right there.

When did you start working on this song? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it?

It was my first time to Nashville and one of my first writes too. My good friend Chris Buck set up this write for me. It was with Jimmy Thow and Jordan Oorbeck and I was so nervous but the song came out so easily. They are all such talented writers, and everyone hit it off so well. After the song was written we had to demo it and Jimmy Thow always has these crazy melody lines to follow and I was like all worried because I didn’t think I was doing a good job during demo time, and I remember looking at Chris Buck like HELP ME hahaha I thought I was doing a bad job but looking back I nailed it. Jordan and Jimmy ended up producing the song and THEY ARE THE BEST!!!!!!! Couldn’t ask for a better duo to work with on this one.

What do you like the most about this song?

I love that you can’t help but smile and dance when you hear it. it’s a bop, no doubt about it. We live in some crazy times right now and I’m happy that I get to put out something so fun, outgoing and positive out. Just in time for summer too. I also love that I wrote it with my good friends and together we get to celebrate the songs successes.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song?

HAPPINESS!!!! It’s such a run to the roof top and scream I love you at the top of your lungs kinda song and I hope people feel like doing that when they hear it.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

OMGGGGGGGGG!!!! The best damn day ever. I was a glam queen that day and I enjoyed everything about it. Emma Lee was the photographer and she absolutely nailed it. Katy Robinns was my stylist, and she is my DREAM STYLIST so that was a legit dream come true for me and Chelsea Thompson did my hair and makeup and I looked like the flawless filter was she was done hahah. The place we shot was so cool, it was a pink house and every room had so much character and it was just the best day with the best group of girls. Couldn’t have asked for anything more.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

I worry a lot, worry people won’t like me, worry people won’t like the music, you gotta have thick skin in this business BUT having people reach out and tell you that your song means something to them… takes all the worries away. It’s worth it all.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

It’s hard to say cause I’m still learning but it’s hard out here… artists work their butts off and don’t make much money and it’s difficult to get by without help.

What advice would you give to artists out there?

Don’t give up. and quit trying to be like everyone else. there is already one of them, be YOU!!!! That is your superpower.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Someone told me once to send the elevator back down and that stuck with me. Pay it forward. That needs to happen more. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

To be kind to yourself. You are so unique and that is such a powerful thing. We get caught up in being or looking like other people and it’s such a shame. I get caught up in it too. But I want to be that person that reminds the world and myself every day that YOU ARE AWESOME and do something good with it.

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