Nashville-based artist LVRBOY has just released his new album u did this to me - the playlist and it collects every song he ever released with a few others like “all the things i never said”, “about you” and the latest single “problems”. I think this project showcases how he’s been evolving since the beginning of his career and it kind of feels like the end of a chapter musically. The project includes these timeless pop records like “all my friends are sad”, “cool like you”, “Hoodie Weather” and my personal favorite “make it”. I’m proud of all the things he accomplished, proud I got to feature him 239 times on my blog lol and proud of all these amazing songs he has been releasing. I can’t wait to hear/see what he’s going to offer next.

Congratulations LVRBOY and happy release day :)

u did this to me - the playlist is out now !! :)

You've just released your new album u did this to me - the playlist - how's it like to release a big project like this one? 

It’s both really exciting and really nerve-racking, but the excitement definitely outweighs the latter. I've been putting out singles and eps for a year in preparation for it to become this one big project, acting as somewhat of an introduction to LVRBOY, so a lot of energy has been put into this record. 

How would you describe this album? 

It’s a collection of every song I’ve released thus far, plus a few others. You’ll definitely get the progression of the project by listening to the entire thing, but I wanted it to act as an introduction to me as an artist, whether it’s for new comers or listeners that maybe don’t know my entire catalogue. The album is full of the usual heartbreaking subject matter, but I think it’s a great way to become acquainted with who I am as an artist as a whole. 

What's the inspiration behind "problems"? 

I wrote “problems” at the same time i wrote “cool like u,” when I was snowed in and couldn’t go anywhere. I was asking myself why I was having such a hard time in relationships and, after working it out in my head, traced it back to some internal issues that I developed during a past relationship. I just started singing “I got problems- you’re the one that caused em.”

What made you want to release this whole project? 

Well I think I touched on this a little with wanting it to kind of act as an introduction to LVRBOY, but when I launched my project in September of 2019, I knew I wanted to release a bunch of music super fast, so I felt like my record will act as a base for both old and new listeners and prepare them for what’s to come in the future.

Why did you name the project u did this to me - the playlist

Well when I wrote “problems,” I knew I wanted it on this record because it perfectly wraps up what the entire record is about; my relationship issues. A lot of people don’t know this, but a majority of the songs I’ve released are inspired by one relationship I had, so “u did this to me,” is just that. It’s also the last line in “problems.”

As an independent artist, how's it like to release an album in 2021? 

It’s honestly super fun, especially now with having so much music out. I feel like with the way 2020 was, most rules kind of went out the window, and that’s really driven my creativity.

For those who don't know, what different steps an artist needs to take before releasing a project like this album? 

I am a big believer in having a vision and a plan before putting anything out. I worked on LVRBOY behind the scenes before even announcing that I was doing it; the songwriting and the recording all came before I announced it was happening. But, even before that, was the branding and the plan. Once the branding happened, it was easy to write for what the project was. 

What is your goal for this project? 

To act as a base and an introduction to LVRBOY, where you can find all my music in one place and get acquainted with the project, because there’s a lot more to come. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part is choosing which songs to release; there are just so many great songs that you become so connected to, so sometimes it’s hard to choose. The best part is seeing your vision come to life and connecting with listeners that felt the same things as you. 

Shows are slowly coming back in the US - how's it like to attend shows and book shows again? 

Attending shows isn’t really an issue for me; for the most part, everyone is vaccinated or has had the virus, and it’s been fun seeing friends out at shows and meeting new people again. Booking shows on the other hand, has been a challenge, mostly because you don’t know if people feel comfortable with attending them yet.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

To be honest, the music industry has been doing its own thing for a long time now, so I don’t spend too much time thinking about it. I just want to be creative and keep doing things I want to do. I will say there’s too much “gate-keeping” and strong-arming going on when there should be more collaboration. 

What lessons have you learned since the release of "make it"? 

The only lesson I’ve learned is there are no rules. If you want to do something and your gut tells you to do it, do it. 

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