Zøie X

What a wonderful talent. Zøie X is one of the best artists I’ve heard lately. Her music is refreshing and different. Her new single “HATE ME 2” continues to showcase her vivid lyricism and her unique alternative dark pop world. She is definitely standing out from everyone else with her one-of-a-kind production and magical vocals. Zøie X is without a doubt a promising talent and I cannot wait to see/hear what the future holds. I know it’s going to be a very bright future !

“HATE ME 2” is a smash. Go stream it now !

Photo credit: Raena Skyy

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! i’m Zøie X, i’m an independent artist based in Nashville, TN :) i’ve been releasing music under the name Zøie X for a little over a year now!


What made you want to become an artist and release your original music? What was the biggest struggle when you first started? 

Being an artist was the only thing I ever saw myself being happy doing. The biggest struggle for me was believing that I could do it. I spent a lot of my life thinking I couldn’t, and so I didn’t. 


"HATE ME 2" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

Hate me 2 was inspired by a relationship I was starting with someone. This person seemed too good to be true and it triggered something in me that made me feel like I wasn't going to be good enough for them. And that they would see that too. I started to notice the way my mind was trying to self sabotage because of that feeling. The idea behind the song is that sometimes it’s easier to be in chaos because it can feel more familiar. 


Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I brought the idea and the hook into a session I had with my producer, Matt Harris, and an artist here, AMAVA. We wrote the song together in a few hours and then recorded and produced it out a few months later! 


What did you feel when writing this song? 

It was honestly just a fun song to write! The lyrics are pretty dark and visual. I also felt a little bit like, “are people gonna think i’m insane for saying some of this stuff?” but also excited.


What made you want to release "HATE ME 2" as a single? 

It felt like the right song to follow up my previous release, DEAD END. I was supposed to release a different track first, but decided to push that one back. All 3 of the songs have a central meaning that will come together on an EP eventually :)


What can you tell us about the artwork? 

I wanted something simple but that had a darker feeling to it. Raena Skyy took the photos in my house and then I created the cover that night. 

Any upcoming project? 

I’ll be releasing another single before the years over, and hopefully an EP early next year! 


As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part for me is showing up on social media. There’s this pressure to be constantly present online and promoting yourself. Which are two of my least favorite things. The best part right now is all of the firsts. I’m still pretty new to everything, so I'm still getting all of those little first moments. It’s all really exciting. 


How's it like to be a woman in the music industry? What message would you like to give to women out there? 

It can be tough at times. It feels like you have to work harder at times to be taken seriously. There’s also a lot of weird men in the industry. My advice would be to make sure you aren’t sacrificing yourself at any point. It’s an industry where you receive a lot of “no’s” and criticism. But you’ll find the people who see your value if you keep trying. 


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Too many thoughts on it to be honest but if I could change one thing I would make TikTok go away forever.. sorry.


What advice would you give to artists? 

Just to not get discouraged. Not everyone will like your art or see your potential. But it feels really good when you find the people who do 


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

More compassion and understanding. Less Social Media. 


What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Probably just not to take things so personally and to be more understanding. I’ve learned to think of life like one big improv, where we’re all actors and no one has a script. Everyone is just kind of winging it. And we’re all gonna mess up sometimes.

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