katie MAC

Nashville-based “Relatable Pop” artist katie MAC has released her new single “Till It Hurts”.

Co-written with Shir Czopp and produced by Kipper Gray, the new single came from the feeling of numbness.

“One thing that I’ve realized is anything real hurts when you lose it. While my newest single, “Till It Hurts” may sound like it’s about heartbreak, it’s actually about finding something that you feel so deeply that you know losing it will be painful. I wrote it when I was worried I would never really *feel* something worth losing again. I think everyone can relate to that feeling of searching for something real, even if it’s risky,” explains MAC.

The Kansas-native singer/songwriter will be releasing her new EP Self Sabotage later this year.

“Till It Hurts” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Luke Rogers

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! I’m katie- I’m originally from Kansas, but I’ve been in Nashville for nearly 5 years making music. I grew up in a non-musical family, but I always gravitated towards music and started writing songs around the age of 13. At 18, I decided to move to Nashville to pursue my dream of making music- and ended up as a songwriting student at Belmont. The journey has been long and difficult at times, but I feel so grateful to be where I’m at and chase my dreams every day.  

How would you define katie MAC, the artist? 

So katie MAC was actually a nickname my dad came up with when I was little- he’s always called me that. It came from my middle name, “McCrea” and it really just stuck! For me, that really exemplifies who I want to be as an artist- my truest self. I see my art as a blown up, dramatized display of self expression so it’s important to me that everything I do feels authentic. I want people who listen to my music to feel like they know me. I feel like I’ve been through a lot that people can relate to and I just hope it resonates! 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

Truthfully I don’t remember a time where I didn’t want this. When I was like 6, I was already dressing up as a pop star and performing for my parents telling them I was going to be a singer. It feels like it’s always been a part of me. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

This is a tough one because of where I grew up… People don’t really pursue these types of careers in my hometown, let alone in the small Catholic community I lived in. For a really long time, my parents struggled to understand my passion and hoped that it was a phase (can’t really blame them honestly!). I do remember one of the most influential pieces of encouragement I received from my high school choir teacher- he was one of the first people who outright said to me, “I think you can succeed in this”. And that really stuck with me. 

"Till It Hurts" is your new single - what's the story behind this song? 

Yes!!! I wrote this song during a time where I was feeling pretty emotionally dead. I was so focused on keeping my guard up, prioritizing my career, and not feeling things too deeply, that I started to feel numb. I think a lot of situations contributed to me getting to that place, but ultimately I resented it a lot. “Till It Hurts” was sort of a huge swing in the other direction- I was so tired of feeling numb and I wanted to feel something that I cared about deeply enough that it would hurt to lose it. It sounds like it’s about heartbreak, but really the song is about searching for something that actually matters and makes you feel. 

How was it like to work with Shir Czopp and Kipper Gray on this single? 

UGH they are angels. Kipper and I have worked together for years and he’s produced a good bit of my music. Shir and I also have lyrical chemistry that’s so rare. The two of them together were absolute fire and they were so receptive to my feelings and ideas.  

The bridge is my favorite part - who came up with the idea and what was the inspiration behind it? 

Thank you! When it came to the bridge, I felt like I wanted a big change up and so I basically had Kipper play through chords until I was like, “That one! That’s weird enough!” I’m a huge fan of having a musically interesting break in songs that are otherwise, pretty straight forward pop structure, and I felt like it gave me a chance to use melodies I normally wouldn’t. 

What do you like the most about this song? 

My favorite part of songwriting is when I can be really honest. A lot of times, that’s the hardest thing to do but I always love those songs the most. I feel like this song, even amidst the upbeat production, outlines a pretty heavy dilemma I was experiencing internally and it feels very real and honest. 

What made you want to release "Till It Hurts" as a single? 

I felt like it was pretty catchy and upbeat, so it sonically made sense, but I also hoped that people would be able to relate to the sentiment of the song. 

What is your goal for this single? 

My goal for all of my music is to just be true to myself as an artist and give people something they can relate to. For this song, I hope that people can enjoy the upbeat, melodic elements, but also I hope that I reach people who have felt this way before and can offer a way to express those feelings.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

We actually shot the artwork in a random motel room here in Nashville. I work with Luke Rogers for my visuals, and we can make something cool pretty much anywhere! There will also be a video visualizer so stay tuned for that! 

As an artist, what do you want to accomplish? 

I have so many goals and aspirations that revolve around the business side of things and my growth as an entrepreneur, but ultimately my goal is to reach people on a large scale. My North Star for art is creating things that are real to me, and hoping that they resonate. I hope that people can listen to my music and feel less alone in their experiences, even if they choose to keep those experiences private.  

What biggest lesson have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

Do everything from a place of love and gratitude. I’ve found if I can frame my thoughts this way, I make my best art because I want to offer something to the world. It also helps me squash feelings of comparison and jealousy, because if I love people- I want to see them succeed too. Sounds cheesy, but it really works for me!  

Photo credit: Luke Rogers

Why do you make music? What keeps you going? 

Honestly, it feels like it’s just a part of me. I don’t know what I’d do if I weren’t making music. The thing that keeps me going is that feeling when you finish a song and it’s just right. Like you made exactly what you were supposed to make in that moment. 

What are your thoughts on today's current situation around the world and the Black Lives Matter movement? 

I think that this year has been a giant wake up call for so many people, myself included. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on my duty as a person and as an artist and I’ve come to the conclusion that everything I do is meaningless if I choose to be blind to people who are hurting. I’ve been so encouraged by the unity I’ve seen among my peers, but I think we have a long way to go if we’re going to create a world where everyone is treated equally. It’s been a heartbreaking reality check. I think if anything is going to change, we need to embrace feeling uncomfortable and continue to push forward beyond social media- taking a hard look at ourselves and the institutions around us, and then calling them to do better. 

What major lesson have you learned from these challenging times? 

Ultimately, I’ve been reminded of how important it is to step outside of your own world view. It can be so easy to get caught in the daily hustle when you’re chasing your dreams, but there is so much more to life. Staying awake to the world and people around you is so important because everything means nothing if we live solely out of self interest.  

What message do you want to give to the world? 

I just hope that I can offer something good amidst such an uncertain world. I truly believe that everyone has their own gift to give and even if it’s just pop music, I hope that I can offer someone a safe place to feel their feelings and enjoy the music! 

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