Nick Wilson

It’s been a minute since I last heard a song that truly made me feel something. That’s what Nick Wilson’s new single “Enough to Know You” does. Produced by Matt Zara, “Enough to Know You” is beautiful, emotional and real. It tells a story, and it is one of my favorite releases of the week.

“Enough To Know You is about being broken up with, but realising that the time you spent with them is worth more than the bitterness and resentment of hating them for it. At its heart, it’s a song about letting go. To me there’s just something both heart-breaking and heart-warming about that moment of clarity in moving on and being okay with it. It’s the hardest thing in the world to come to terms with the fact that someone no longer wants you, but sometimes, being able to have shared a part of your life with that person is enough to let them go,” explains Wilson.

With millions of streams on Spotify, Nick Wilson is continuing to create timeless and heartfelt records.

“Enough to Know You” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Bjorn Franklin

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

I’m Nick Wilson, I’m a singer songwriter from London, I’ve been writing and releasing music for nearly 7 years now. Started off making songs from my bedroom, all the way up to 1 million monthly listeners on Spotify.

What did you grow up listening to?

Oh so much different music. A lot of Coldplay, Gavin DeGraw, Queen, The Killers, I used to LOVE The Fray. Anything with a good vocal basically haha.

When did you know you could sing? 

I think I’ve always been singing but the first time I properly knew I could was probably around 14? I used to upload covers on YouTube and people started liking them...

Growing up, what were your favorite records to sing along to?

One of the first records I remember knowing back to front was the first Panic at the Disco record. After that, Chariot by Gavin DeGraw. I used to love that album. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

Probably my parents for allowing me to follow my passion for music, sounds cliche but they never pushed me away from singing, and that helped a lot!

How would you define Nick Wilson, the artist? 

I’d say cinematic and emotional. I love visuals and I love music that connects and makes you feel something. As an artist that’s all I want.

"Enough To Know You" is your new single - what's the story behind this song? 

It’s a post break up song really. About being able to move on and accept a break up, without losing the love you had for that person. It’s enough to have known them and shared that time with them.

Listen to Enough to Know You on Spotify. Nick Wilson · Song · 2020.

When did you start writing this song? How was it like to work with Matt Zara?

We wrote it at the beginning of this year, super quick and super organically. I love Matt to bits so it was a really easy song to write. It kind of just fell out. He’s a genius with sounds and textures so it all came together really quickly.

What do you like the most about this song? 

The strings in the production are my favourite. The incredible Toby Tripp put them down for us and they just elevate the song to a new level. Lyrically, some of my favourites are in there too. “Love is not a game you have to lose, it only matters who will get you through”

What can you tell us about the music video? What was the inspiration behind it? 

It was directed by Bjorn Franklin and Johnny Marchetta (Franklin and Marchetta), it’s basically a period piece one shot, following a WW2 pilot in his last few minutes, remembering his love as he moves on. It’s really something special.

What is your goal for this single? 

Just for people to hear it and connect with it. If only one person does, I’m happy.

What do you think of today's music industry? 

It’s a funny one, it’s simultaneously the most saturated it’s ever been, but also the most lenient towards independent artists it’s ever been, because of streaming. So really I love where we’re at as an industry, although there are parts that need change and need growth. For example the lack of female representation in labels and radio and studios is outrageous, when there are SO many insanely talented women working in music. There’s a weird disconnect there.

What's the hardest part about being an artist? And what is the best part? 

Hardest is figuring out how to put yourself out there, and stand out in the crowd. The best is writing and performing music. No better feeling than playing a song you wrote to a crowd that love it.

What biggest lesson have you learned since the beginning of your career? 

Don’t overthink everything and set attainable goals. It helps so much to set your sights on something manageable, instead of just something huge.

What are your thoughts on today's current situation around the world? 

It’s pretty dire isn’t it. In the UK we’re just not in a good place politically and it seems like it’s not getting any better. Likewise across the pond. Positive haha! But at least we have so much good new music this year to keep us afloat.

What major lesson have you learned from these challenging times? 

Not taking things for granted. There are so many things I took for granted before lockdown, the main being seeing friends and interacting with actual people haha.

What message do you want to give to the world? 

I guess to just keep on, be sad if you need to, be happy if you need to. All of that hippy stuff haha!

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