Sam MacPherson

Sam MacPherson is a 23 year old singer/songwriter from New Jersey.

Released last month, his second single “No Bad Memories” was co-written with Andy Seltzer.

“My relationship ended and looking back I felt like I was left with only the most blissful moments I’ve ever experienced,” says MacPherson. “No Bad Memories” has reached over 32K streams on Spotify.

With more releases on the way, Sam MacPherson is one of the most promising talents of 2020.

“No Bad Memories” is now available on major streaming platforms.

Photo credit: Conor Monaghan

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hey, my name’s Sam MacPherson and I’m a 23 year old singer, songwriter, and musician from Red Bank, New Jersey. As for the rest of my story, I am currently trying to tell it in song and most recently in the key of Bb major.

Could you tell us about your childhood a little bit? Are you coming from a musical family?

My dad is a singer, songwriter and musician, my little brother is a monster guitar player, and my mom loves music just as much as the boys in the house. Growing up I was woken up with music and put to bed with music. Even now my house is never really quiet.

When did you start feeling connected to music and art in general?

I’ve always felt some type of visceral connection to music and art, I can’t remember a definitive start point. When I started to write songs and sing them myself, that’s when I made a conscious effort to understand music and why certain songs made me feel the way they did.

When did you start writing songs? What made you want to write in the first place?

I started seriously writing songs my freshman year of college. I quickly developed a relationship with music that afforded me an understanding of myself and the world around me that I don’t think I would have had otherwise. I also fell madly in love for the first time so that probably helped right.

When did you know you could sing? Growing up, what were your favorite records to sing along to?

I didn’t know that I could sing until college. I could always pick up and play instruments but writing songs and being able to sing them happened all at once. Growing up I loved singing to “Songs in the Key of Life” and pretty much any Beatles record.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music?

The generous support of my friends and family. I’ve been very fortunate to have the most wonderful people around me throughout this entire journey.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

My parents have always believed in me and have always made me feel like there’s no reason I shouldn’t believe in myself.

How would you define Sam MacPherson, the artist?

Sam MacPherson, the artist, is at home center stage with the spotlight on. Sam MacPherson, the person, is happy just being an audience member.

"No Bad Memories" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?

My relationship ended and looking back I felt like I was left with only the most blissful moments I’ve ever experienced. That type of emotional inventory doesn’t exactly lend itself to getting over someone. This song came from doing my best to communicate that type of beautiful frustration.

Listen to No Bad Memories on Spotify. Sam MacPherson · Song · 2020.

What did you feel when writing this song?

I felt really lucky.

Who helped you create this single?

I wrote this song with my dear friend Andy Seltzer. Andy also produced and mixed the song and made it sound bigger than I ever imagined. He is so effortlessly talented and on top of that he is the truest champion of serving the song. Carson Cody, another dangerously gifted musician and producer, added some additional production and musical wizardry. It was my dream team.

What do you like the most about this song?

The fact that it does the story justice.

Who's helping you build your career/artistry?

My manager Koko Avedisian who is constantly the most inspiring person to be around, Jake Posner who has no flaws and is the head of The Culture Theory, my brothers in life and in music Andy Seltzer and Greg Seltzer. Andy is producing the songs you’ll hear from me this year and Greg has been with me since the beginning helping me navigate the music industry. Ana Yanez and Chris Sclafani who are amazing songwriters and friends that took me under their wing in the NYC songwriting scene. Conor Monaghan, creative director who shot the cover of NBM and in real life is one of my best friends. We could do an entire interview about these people and what they mean to me!

What's the hardest part about being an artist? And what is the best part?

I think as an Artist you’re sometimes tempted to create a few extra units of self-worth measurement that you probably don’t need. Things like, when did I last write a song? When did I last write a good song, how is that song I released doing? It’s easy to be discouraged on the daily report if you’ve had an off day. That mental back and forth can be exhausting. However, there is no better feeling in the world than writing a good song. There is no better feeling than sharing that song with people and being gifted in return some type of mutual understanding of what you were trying to get across.

What are your thoughts on today's current situation around the world and on the Black Lives Matter movement?

I hope that the momentum that has been gained thus far behind the Black Lives Matter movement only picks up speed. It’s a heavy uphill battle but the load becomes a lot lighter the more people get behind it and push. Now more than ever there’s plenty of ways to do that. Donating to organizations like Black Lives Matter or Black Visions Collective, signing petitions, calling your local legislators, and continuing to ask questions like this one. I also hope that people who have decided to stand in solidarity with the Black community understand that it’s important to stand, but it’s even more important to take steps forward.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

A massive distribution of patience, self-awareness, and action informed by empathy and love. Free of charge!

What message do you want to give to the world?

Take a second to think about things bigger than yourself.

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