Daniel Saint Black

Nashville-based artist Daniel Saint Black released his new single “Electric” on June 26th.

With the help of producer/songwriter Johnny Simmen, the musician created a fun and energetic record about the unmistakable feeling of attraction after meeting someone.

After a promising debut EP released earlier this year, the New Mexico native is now getting ready to release his second EP this Fall in the hope of making the world a better place, a song at a time.

“Electric” is now available worldwide.

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

I'm just a guy from the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. I've always been determined. or maybe stubborn, or both, and I just never settled into being ok with who I am in this world. I always felt like I had to be what others wanted me to be. This moment in my life is probably the first time ever that I've been settled into just being me and being ok for people to take it or leave it. 

How would you describe Daniel Saint Black, the artist? 

Honest. What you see is what you get and, hopefully, that's inspiring, exciting, and fresh.

You released your debut EP in April. How did people respond to this EP? 

There was an overwhelming response to the first EP and all the singles on that project, as well. I feel super thankful for that!

What did you learn about yourself after releasing this first project? 

That I have a hard time celebrating my wins, big or small. I always feel the need to be growing, working, or improving. It's important for me to celebrate the wins along the way.

"Electric" is your latest single. What's the story behind this song? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote the song with my buddy, Johnny Simmen, who is a bad-ass producer and writer here in Nashville. I wanted to try to put words behind how it feels to meet someone and maybe no words are exchanged, but there is an unmistakable feeling of attraction or vibe.

What did you feel when writing this song? 

Genuinely, it just felt fun to write! I feel like both Johnny and I had fun writing and playing the parts.

What do you like the most about this song? 

Probably the bass line in the first part of the chorus or the solo at the end.

What made you want to release "Electric" as a single? 

I just think it gives a great vibe and I hope its a good soundtrack for what people are going to be up to this summer.

What can you tell us about your second EP? 

All I can say is that some of my favorite songs I've ever been apart of writing are going to be on it and I believe it's going to be really special.

As an artist, what is your goal? 

To make the world a better place, one conversation and song at a time.

What are your thoughts on today's situation around the world and on the Black Lives Matter movement? 

My thoughts… I think we would need an entire day sitting with some coffee, and then some whiskey, to unpack all that. What I will say is that being kind to others, treating all people with respect, and making the conscious decision to love first before anything else is what we should be focused on. I love people so, so, so much and I truly want to see people start listening to each other better and loving each other better.

What message do you want to give to the world? 

Give more than you take. At the end of it all, everything we own will be sold at a yard sale or given away to strangers, but our investment in our brothers and sisters, our fellow humans, is a legacy that will last forever. The way we treat people and the kindness that we show is what sticks. If we truly aim to leave others better than we found them, I believe life will become full of great peace, joy, and purpose.

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