Annelle Staal

Annelle Staal’s latest single “Tonight” came out right on time for Pride Month. It’s a song that will make you dance, a song that will make you feel and a song that will inspire you to dream of something better and bigger.

The Nashville-based artist offered her vulnerability to the world with her new single and she created a beautiful song that perfectly showcased her story. “Tonight” is empowering. Annelle Staal is empowering.

Annelle Staal is definitely an artist to watch, so make sure to check her out !

“Tonight” is now available everywhere :)

Photo credit: Louis Fort

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi! My name's Annelle, I'm a queer singer-songwriter who writes folk, blue-eyed soul and pop. I stream on Twitch TV, write and record music, and create content for most other platforms full-time. I grew up a military brat around the country, and spent a lot of my school-years in the deep south. As a kid I gravitated toward poetry and performance, spending my time writing or rehearsing for musicals. As a teen I celebrated art, nature, and my friends. Those things remain my passions today. They inspire all of my writing.

I started performing in bars and restaurants when I was 17. It was my first job, and I found being a songstress and a performer suited me well. I was signed to a management company and moved out to Nashville, TN, where I worked as a writer and joined the sea of young creatives trying to catch a break. After a few years I decided I wanted to go back to live shows full time, so I quit my job, my classes, and booked an East Coast tour for 2020. After the pandemic cancelled every last show, I started streaming online--where I found a beautiful community that helps me thrive as an independent artist. 

What did you grow up listening to? 

As a youngster I grew up daydreaming to Jack Johnson and Nora Jones--either that or my dad's 70's and 80's throwback CD's. As a teen I loved One Republic, John Mayer and Lady Gaga, and as a young adult I found a home listening to Simon and Garfunkle and Ella Fitzgerald. 

When did you realize music was more than just a hobby? 

I had inclings that it was my life's passion throughout my adolescence, but I remember the day I decided to pursue it with abandon vividly. I had just written a song of mine called "Dragons," and my heart burned so fervently that I promised myself I would try. I knew, up at 1 AM in my parent's garage with my electric piano, that I would be chasing the feeling for the rest of my life.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music? 

I think it was my teenage angst, (laugh). I was motivated by the desire to prove and express myself. But now, I think I find the confidence in my heart when I remember how much I love what I do. I don't think my story is so special that it should need to be kept secret, and I've realized that everytime I'm vulnerable, I find others who feel the same.

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My parents. I got very lucky. They loved my music and theatrics from day one, and always encouraged me to pursue them. I'm very thankful for their belief in me.

"Tonight" is your new single - what's the story/behind this song? 

I wrote tonight in the spring of 2021, as the winter began to thaw, and people started having fires in their backyards again. "Tonight" is about falling fast and allowing yourself to imagine a new life with a new person. I grew up in the conservative south as a closeted queer. I never allowed myself to imagine what life could be like with a girl, and as a young adult embracing my identity for the first time, I wanted to rewrite history.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it? 

I have the honor of working with my producer Andrew in Nashville, TN. This song began as a quirky ballad, with 7th chords and a unique guitar part. I brought the song to Andrew and we reimagined it into a cry-dance track. The epic-ness of a driving four-on-the-floor beat and a classic sustained chord progression just seemed to fit the song perfectly. I teared up many times in the studio recording the song because of its personal significance. It's an incredibly hard song to sing for me, so we really took our time with the vocals. Andrew makes a great vocal coach, and his willingness to push for the perfect take was part of the reason why this studio version feels so passionate and magical.

What did you feel when writing this song? 

I felt very alive writing this song. I remember my chest ached for days after I wrote it. I would mess with the verse lyrics while I was driving at night, or pull out the voice memo before bed. I loved this song like it was alive, and as cheesy as it sounds, it still feels that way to me.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? 

I hope people feel inspired. Envisioning a new life is for everyone. As humans, we get to reimagine ourselves whenever we want to. I hope those who listen to the song or watch the video feel empowered to do that if they want to. Oh! And dance! I hope people dance! 

What can you tell us about the music video? 

I have many fond memories of allowing my mind to run wild with the possibilities of a new person and a "new life." As a closeted queer living in the south, sometimes that was with another girl. As a young adult who is learning to celebrate my identity, my thoughts travel back to those moments. What would it have been like if I had confessed my feelings for "her" as a teenager? My stylist, Bee, my videographer, Rex, and I set out to recreate one of those nights. We essentially threw a two-part party for the duration of the day, invited our extras to have a good time, and rewrote history.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part of being an artist is doing all of the things that aren't your art. Managing the content you're making by yourself is like working two full-time jobs. Social media is a blessing and a curse, and I think creating short bits of content is definitely the hardest part for me. The best part is being able to dedicate my life to my passion, and to meet like-minded people who genuinely enjoy the music I create.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Today's music industry is changing rapidly. I love that music is becoming more accessible to at-risk or homebound people through virtual shows. This industry is one where independent artists don't need labels to create music and quality content full time. If I could change one thing about the music industry today, it would be the emphasis on making cheap, quick, bite-sized clips. I love listening to entire albums and hearing an artist's full story, and while I understand the necessity of TikTok, I wish artists could focus on the stories they're telling more.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Just because you don't personally experience something doesn't mean that it isn't real for someone else. If we would seek to understand one another, we could heal our world and ourselves.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Keeping an open heart, even after you get hurt, is what life is all about. Staying open to human connection even when it's scary, and leading with vulnerability are some of the most courageous things you can do. Authenticity is one hell of a seed.

What message would you like to give to the LGBTQ+ community? 

That I love them, I love us. I'm just starting to connect with other people like me, and the joy, kinship, and freedom that I've experienced so far leaves me feeling hopeful and inspired. When you are truly yourself, it empowers other people to be their true selves too. Thank you for existing in the way that only you can, you make the world a more beautiful, colorful place.

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