Zach Seabaugh

I immediately fell in love with Zach Seabaugh’s latest single “Slingshot”. It just feels good and it is the perfect song for the summer. “Slingshot” immediately catches our attention with its effective production and its catchy melodies. Seabaugh and Chance Peña definitely created something memorable with this record.

Thank you so much Zach for this conversation and congrats on this incredible song/video.

“Slingshot” is now available everywhere :)

"Slingshot" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this single? 

I was in LA writing with my friend Chance Peña. We were taking a break from writing and watching the sun go down on his balcony. I started singing what became the chorus of the song. We looked at each other and immediately went inside to finish the song. It’s not really about a specific place or person - but the feeling you get when you are at a certain place or with the person that makes you feel happiest. I remember that trip to LA was a happy time in my life and this song was the time stamp of how I was feeling.



When did you start working on "Slingshot"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

It was August of 2021 when I was in LA with Chance. It wasn’t a hard song to write, it was written and recorded in a few hours.


What did you feel when writing this song? 

The songs that don’t take a ton of effort are my favorite. This song fell onto the page for us and it was a lot of fun to write. We were pumped.


What's your favorite thing about this song? 

My favorite thing about this song is that it's strictly based on emotion and a feel-good vibe. I write a lot of story songs so it was refreshing to have written something like this.


What can you tell us about the music video? 

Getting to work with Emma Golden on the video was so much fun. I drove around in a '66 mustang jamming to "Slingshot" all day.


What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? 

I just want the listener to get a dose of serotonin when they listen to it!

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The best part about being an artist is that I get to be a creative for a living and work with some of the most interesting and talented humans out there. Being immersed in a town fueled by a passion for loving music is the dream I get to live out every day, I’m very thankful for this life. The hardest part about being an artist is that you are an artist. Not all days are super creative and fun. I battle with staying out of my own way and not getting in my head to where I overthink things.


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

There is no music industry without songwriters. If I could change one thing it would be how much songwriters are getting paid - it's a lot different than how it used to be. 


What advice would you give to artists out there? 

Don’t fall into the trap of being somebody you’re not. It’s easy to compare yourself to what other artists are doing.


Besides music, what are you passionate about? 

I love the outdoors and aviation. If I’m not writing or playing shows I’m camping or flying a plane.


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 



What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Giving makes you happy and we all have something to give; our time, our treasure, and/or our talent… so be good to people.

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