Avery Lynch

Born and raised in Pennsylvania, Avery Lynch released her first project As Written, Vol. 1 in 2021. She has been building a huge fanbase online ever since. With over 100 million streams, the singer/songwriter has been sharing heartfelt and reliable records.

Lynch is now revealing her second record As Written, Vol 2.

My 'As Written' projects are where I get to re-record some of my favorite songs from past works exactly as they were written. This project also allows me to present my music in the raw, intimate format that first resonated with listeners. The first 'As Written' is a fan favorite and I feel like this second volume shows so much growth from the first, so I’m so excited for everyone to hear it. It’s been the hardest secret to keep over the last year and I’m so proud of it!”, she explains.

Some of the songs were re-recorded, some of them are brand new, like the emotional song “somebody new”. A must listen.

As Written, Vol 2. is out now !

Photo credit: Avery Lynch & Jordan Van Hecke

Hi Avery, how are you? What's your story? 

Hi! I’m doing well. I’m a singer & songwriter born and raised in Pennsylvania. I’ve been songwriting forever but only started posting my songs during COVID. Some of the songs caught the attention of a lot of people so I just kept writing, posting, and releasing my music. I’ve been an artist for 4 years now. It’s the only thing I’ve done that has ever made sense and it’s all I want to do now. 

As Written, Vol. 2 is your new EP - how's it like to release this new project? How do you feel? 

I’m so excited to release As Written Vol. 2! It’s been such a long time coming. It’s been 3 and a half years since I released As Written, Vol. 1, so Vol. 2 is definitely long overdue! It’s my favorite kind of project to make because it’s just me and my instruments. I record them all in my room and then produce them with my boyfriend, Jordan. It’s so natural and fulfilling and we have so much fun with it. I’m also really excited because the first As Written project is what connected me with the majority of my fanbase. The impact it had on people was so much more than I could’ve ever imagined. It’s so special to me and I can’t wait for people to hear it and connect with it the way they did with As Written, Vol. 1.

What made you want to re-record some of these songs? 

I knew for a while what the As Written versions were going to be. Since I made the first volume, when I make new songs I kind of have a log in my mind of which ones would be the most fun to turn into As Written versions. Some of these songs were duets that weren’t originally written that way so I wanted to really show the As Written version and some are personal favorites.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this whole project? Who helped you create it? When did you start working on it? 

This project is very DIY. Everything is done by me, Jordan, and generally one other songwriter and a very good friend of mine, Neisha Grace. The three of us do almost all of my songs together in some capacity and we have so much fun. For the As Written projects, the only production is done by Jordan and myself in our room. I record all of the songs myself (the only exception is the guitar songs which I record with Jordan). Then after everything’s recorded, Jordan and I go through each song day after day and produce them all, then mix and master. It’s really fun because we spend full days with Jordan at his desk and me laying on the couch with both of our headphones in, just working on the songs together. We started working on As Written, Vol. 2 in January this year and by June we had everything done!

What different topics are you talking about on this EP? What's the story behind each song? 

All of the songs live in a kind of a separate space from each other because they’re all originally from different projects and that’s what I think is so special about it. It’s a little time capsule of songs from these different moments in my life, put all together and re-recorded months and sometimes years later. The new songs on the project were also written over the course of a couple years, all holding different meanings and feelings but all of them feel like they really fit with the As Written project.

What did you feel when recording "somebody new"? What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel? 

“somebody new” has so much emotion in it and it was really important to me that the emotion came through in the recording. It’s a song about loving someone so much that you know you don’t want anyone else but recognizing how they’re so amazing they could have anyone they wanted. It’s kind of sad but also kind of a love song. I’m leaving that up to the listener to decide :)

Any favorite memories from the making of this EP? And any challenges? 

I think my favorite memory of making this EP is the creative space and lack of pressure that comes with making it. Most of these songs are already out there and people already love them, I just get to make them feel more me. 

What is your goal for this EP? 

I hope this EP holds a special place for my fans and feels like they got the versions of these songs that they fell in love with when they were just a singing video on TikTok. I hope it means something to people the way As Written, Vol. 1 did. It’s the coolest thing ever when someone tells me my music helped them get through a hard time or a bad breakup. It’s exactly what I do all this for, and I hope As Written, Vol. 2 does that too. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The cover art was an idea Jordan and I came up with. The photo was taken in the same corner of our room where we recorded and produced the whole project. The cover art for As Written, Vol. 1 was also a photo taken where I recorded all of the songs. It was important to me to portray in the artwork what the behind the scenes of making the project looked like. For Vol. 2 I wanted to do that and more. I wanted to show everyone where these songs are written, recorded, and produced, show the instruments used in the making of the project, and add a little bit of how special and magical it feels to me by adding the paper stars hanging from the ceiling. I have an attachment to stars for some reason, I just love them and I wear stars on my jewelry, my clothes, my merch, etc., so I thought it would be cute to have them hanging from the ceiling. Also the stars being made of paper and hanging on strings shows how DIY every part of this project was.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part of being an artist is that my whole life and all of the statistics around my success in my career is public. I’ve always struggled with how I’m a very private person and I always tried to not draw attention to myself, and a big part of the job that I love so much is to constantly draw attention to myself. It’s something I’m still working on getting used to. The best part of being an artist is connecting with people who’ve been impacted by my music. Every day I get the kindest messages from people all over the world about how my music has helped them and how much they love and appreciate me, and that’s the coolest thing ever.

What are your thoughts on today's social media? How does it impact your career? 

Social media definitely has its pros and cons as an artist and I try not to complain because it is the sole reason I’m even an artist, but it definitely complicates things. I don’t love being a content creator and worrying about likes and views when my job is really just supposed to be making songs. But because of social media, I do get to be connected to so many incredible people and for that I’m so grateful. 

How did your life change since signing with RECORDS/Sony? 

Signing with RECORDS has created a pretty cool shift for me. It’s really new and cool having a team of people around me who really care about my music and want me to succeed. I’m really looking forward to releasing this project and future music with them. 

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today? 

Some of the music I’m writing now is greatly influenced by the artist Sleeping At Last. I also love Sara Bareilles and Holly Humberstone, I kind of listen to everything they’ve put out, so I don’t have specific records to note. I think they’re both just incredibly inspiring artists. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Believe in yourself and don’t take everything too seriously. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place? 

I think if everyone had more kindness and patience. And if everyone had a cat!

What can we expect to hear/see next? 

I’m already working on my next project and I’m very excited to get that moving after As Written Vol. 2 comes out. I’ll also hopefully have some more live shows and I have a couple of things already in store for after the release :)

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