Siri Neel

Danish pop artist Siri Neel has just released her captivating new single “I’m a Maze”. Produced by Ludvig Algovik, co-written with Jade Ell and Pilvi Kekkonen, the empowering new single is about embracing our true-self and every side of our personalities. “I’m a Maze” is the fourth and final single off her upcoming debut album Drawn like a Magnet, to be released this fall.

On this new record, Siri Neel beautifully showcases her vulnerability and sensitive spirit.

“All my life I've struggled to accept my vulnerability and sensitivity, which I thought were signs of weakness. I was afraid that people would judge me because I cry so easily. I now realise that my vulnerability is a huge superpower. As an artist, having easy access to my emotions is something I use in my songwriting and the way I express my songs. It's just a huge source of inspiration, which hopefully means that my songs can be appreciated,” she says.

“I’m a Maze” is out now !

Photo credit: Julie Montauk

Hi Siri, how are you? What's your story? 

Hi! I’m doing great, thank you. My musical journey started when I moved to the UK to study songwriting. Music has aways been a huge part of me, but it wasn't until I began writing my own songs that i discovered a deeper sense of purpose. Unfortunately, I was hit by a nerve damage when studying in the UK which limited my ability to sing for six years. It was a very difficult time as I suffered a huge self-loss and insecurities about my future. Who was I without being able to express my emotions through singing? However, I held onto my inner strengths and drive to get back. Here I am, quitted my job, letting the artist in me breathe, embracing my true-self as an artist and soon to release my debut album : Drawn like a Magnet. An album which represents where I am today as both a woman and an artist. 

Do you remember your earliest musical memory? 

My parents have always told me that my dad brought a cassette player to the hospital to play Mozart during my birth. As a jazz pianist, he understood the power of music from the start. I guess it had an effect :-) 

What did you grow up listening to? 

I grew up listening to powerful artists like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, and Sinead O’Connor. These artists were incredibly influential, and while they were mainstream, they created music with real depth and emotion. I’ve always been drawn to that mix of strength and melancholy in their work. 

When did you know you could sing? 

Singing has always been a way for me to release emotions as I am a very emotional person. My dad is also a musician which inspired me very early on. However, the real turning point was when I moved to the UK, and discovered I could study songwriting at BIMM (Brighton institute of Modern Music). I felt a whole new dimension to singing, as I realized that I could project my own stories rather than conforming to other ́s stories or musical styles. Through songwriting I began to sense that I could channel my emotions in a way that created a balance deep inside of me. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you professionally? 

A defining moment was when I started at Brighton institute of Modern Music and met who was to become an inspiration and mentor to me – producer Mark Flannery who have worked with amazing artist such as Depeche Mode, Def leppard, Mutt Lange etc. He was the first in the music industry who truly believed in me and my potential. He has given me a lot of courage to vocally express myself which is something I have found very vulnerable to do and very revealing to my inner emotions. The most memorable thing he told me was: Siri, when you sing, your voice is so authentic and says ’listen to me’. That was powerful to me as I began to realize I could touch someone with my voice. 

"I'm a Maze" is your new single - what's the inspiration/story behind this single? 

For many years, I have felt trapped in a maze, where the path to believing in myself has been anything but straightforward. I'm a Maze is about finally finding the way to embrace all of my sides the strong and the quirky in order to embrace my authentic path in life. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? When did you start working on it? 

The song was born during a songwriting session in Stockholm. We had a very playful approach and free expectations to create something quirky which helps to let go of any barriers. It was a very organic approach with instruments. I remember singing out the topline almost immediately, with the words "I'll never let you go". My process usually involves taking the initial ideas home to refine the words and melody, which I did for this track as well. As a result, I've been working on it for over a year now and have been growing with the song. 

What did you feel when recording it? 

To be honest, I was pretty scared! I kept postponing the actual vocal work because I was afraid to finalize it and I really like to deliver my best. At the same time I felt empowered when I was recording it, as the song really boosted my confidence. I guess I was embracing all my sides when recording it. 

What made you want to release "I'm a Maze" as a single? 

I released the song as a single, because I just really like and connect with it. As an independent artist I can take my own decisions and they are vey much guided by my emotions. I hope others connect with it too and feel empowered. 

What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel? 

Empowerment, self-love and allow yourself to be you! I really hope people like to embrace all their sides and their journey in life. Be your own maze and accept there is no straight forward path in life. 

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How did your life change ever since you started embracing your vulnerability? What advice would you give to anyone struggling with their own vulnerability? 

Embracing my vulnerability has definitely made me feel more exposed and insecure at times, but it has also been the key to unlock my own potential. I've learned that showing vulnerability is a strength—it takes courage and it allows you to connect on a deeper level with others and more importantly yourself. My advice to anyone struggling with it is to remember that it ́s not a weakness – it ́s a powerful tool for growth and connection. Start by accepting your imperfections and sharing them with people you trust. 

What can you tell us about your upcoming album? 

*Drawn like a Magnet* is a deeply personal album that represents my journey of self-liberation, both mentally and physically. For years, I struggled with losing my voice, which left me feeling trapped and unable to express myself or pursue my dreams. 

This album is the result of my fight to regain my voice, my confidence, and my belief in my journey. 

I'm incredibly proud of this album because it represents my refusal to be held back by fear or self- doubt. *Drawn like a Magnet* is about embracing the power within me, challenging stereotypes, and redefining what success means on my own terms. It’s my hope that this album will inspire others to find their inner strength and follow their own path, no matter where they are in life. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part for me has been starting my career later in life and trying to be accepted in an industry that often has rigid stereotypes and expectations. It takes a lot of resilience, drive, and self- determination to push through those barriers. But the best part is that I get to do what I truly love— singing and writing songs. It's incredibly rewarding to have the chance to empower, touch, unite and inspire others through my music. I truly hope my music can bring inspiration to anyone listening. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

As a woman I would change the industry ́s focus on youth over experience. You can be an upcoming at every stage in your life. You mostly talk about young upcomings. There is so much talent that comes with age and we need to create space for those artist at every stage of life and celebrate diversity. 

Besides music, what are you passionate about? 

I'm deeply passionated about my two kids and my partner. Beyond family and music, I love to sew and express myself through clothing design. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

My biggest life lesson is to embrace failure as crucial part of success. You don ́t need to be the best to begin with: improvement comes through effort, and persistence. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place? 

Kindness and empathy. 

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