Bailey Coats

Alabama-native singer/songwriter Bailey Coats has released her new single “Something in the water”. Produced by Khris Riddick-Tynes from The Rascals, the pop/r&b single is based on a real life experience of catching someone she knew cheating on their significant other.

“‘Something in the water’ is about recognizing the true intentions of someone. We can sometimes believe we truly know someone based upon how they portray themself online or the best version of themself in person; however, it can be a tough awakening when we realize the true colors of someone we have been spending time with,” she explains.

Bailey Coats has been creating infectious pop records with catchy hooks and memorable beats. She will be releasing her new EP later this year.

“Something in the water” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Austin Bell

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

My name is Bailey Coats and I am a pop artist from Birmingham, AL. Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and it is something that I have known, and believed to be my purpose since a very young age. Through many ups, downs, highs, lows, and in betweens, this journey to accomplish my dream and goal has been eventful to say the least. While this journey has been interesting, every moment and opportunity leads to a new discovery about one's self. Right now, I am at a point where I am creating music that resonates with myself and others. And right now, I am enjoying the creative process and experience more than I could have ever imagined.

How would you define Bailey Coats, the artist?

Bailey Coats the artist is Bailey Coats the person. In my opinion, to be able to create art that will resonate with others, you first have to create something that resonates with yourself. No matter what, I am my 100% authentic self as both an artist and a person.

"Something in the water" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this song?

All songs have a story, but this one especially has an insane saga attached to it. After befriending a social media star, one I believed potentially didn't exist or that I would never encounter, the last person I expected to run into while having lunch at the Los Angeles hot spot, The Grove, was this person. The day before I had seen him posting pictures of him and his fiancé, but that was definitely not the woman who was holding his hand and cuddling next to him that day. Later that afternoon, I was going into my first ever session with The Rascals producer, Khris Riddick-Tynes (Ariana Grande, Kehlani, Jessie Reyez, etc.). Despite my nerves already escalating in anticipation of this session, my gut was wrecked as I had just witnessed a first hand cheating scandal of someone I had only known via social media! When Khris asked me what was on my mind, this was the record that came out. There is definitely "Something in the water".

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it?

Unlike any producer I've ever worked with, Khris (Khris Riddick-Tynes of The Rascals) has a process that is challenging and organic yet completely efficient. Prior to our session, no lyrics were written, tracks created, melodies in mind, nothing was created. After speaking with me about inspiration and my current vibe of the day, he developed a track with the help of a guitarist and 2 other writers. We created a melody, lyrics, and then recorded all vocals, reference and final, in one day.

What did you feel when writing this song?

Nerves. I was already shook, for lack of a better term, after witnessing a cheating scandal and completely nervous to work with one of the biggest producers. However, despite my initial feelings, getting to experience a sense of creative liberation with Khris and his team, as well as challenge myself to depict a story through my music was something I never realized I was capable of doing.

What's your favorite thing about this single?

My favorite thing about 'SITW' is its vibe. The song puts you into a rhythmic trance as the production continues to build, but if you truly listen to the lyrics it depicts a story that acts as a paradox to the overall mood of the music.

What made you want to release "Something in the water" as a single?

I made a commitment to myself this year to start releasing music that I like rather than worrying too much about the feelings of others. Music is subjective and everyone will have something to say about it - good, bad, indifferent, whatever. But rather than seeking to create music to please others, I am making music that stimulates my creativity. And with that, I wanted to release this record simply because I like it.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

A friend I connected with early on in my career is a graphic designer. I asked him to create a cover that played into the theme of the music yet played into the simplicity of it all.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

Patience. Patience is the hardest part. In today's society, instant gratification has become a part of our culture and the comparison game can weigh heavily on anyone at times. However, despite the patience being difficult, it is also the best part. Anything worth having takes time. Success takes time. Without patience we miss what really matters - the journey.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

The music industry is just that - an industry. Despite the creativity that is tied to it, it is a business first and foremost. I could rattle off a list of things I think that should be changed; however, I firmly believe in this statement: don't hate the game, become a better player.

What advice would you give to young artists?

Be true to yourself. Early on in my career, I relied too heavily upon the opinions of others I deemed as better professionals than myself. Trust your gut. Listen to your instincts. And make music you enjoy. That is what matters.

Besides music, what are you passionate about?

I love people. As cliché as that sounds, I truly believe that people matter and that my life is meant to make a difference in some capacity or another upon the lives of other people.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Anything worth having is worth fighting for. As mentioned above, our culture today does not overtly emphasize how people achieve success, we just know that they are successful according to an Instagram post. If I have learned anything, especially in the music industry, things take time, and you have to keep working towards the goals you have placed on your life rather than allowing distractions and defeat to creep in.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Kindness. We have forgotten that behind every person, there is a story unlike another. We can allow our circumstances to affect how we behave towards another person without understanding that our actions can have serious repercussions. If we first acted with kindness rather than circumstance, it would be amazing to see the domino effect of this positive change.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Your life matters. You are given a purpose. Use your life to leave an impact upon this world by first making an impact upon the people that live in it.

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