
I LOVE Dallas’ music and I’m super happy to feature her once again. Her new single “Shark” is another big record and I think it perfectly reflects who she is as an artist. Her producer ATOM is fucking brilliant and he killed the production on this new single. “Shark” is empowering, edgy and catchy. The drums on this record is probably one of my favorite parts, as well as the guitar and the pre-hook melody. The hook is also simple but yet very efficient. “Shark” blends elements of pop, r&b, hip-hop and rock and it sounds different from what we hear today. How crazy would it be to hear this live with a full a band ?? It would sound absolutely insane.

Dallas is a phenomenal songwriter and artist. I believe she will keep getting better and better as the years go by and I can’t wait to see her blow up worldwide.

Go stream “SHARK” - out now ! :)

Photo credit: Francis Jun

Hi Dallas ! How are you? What have you been up to? 

Hey hey! I’ve been good - staying busy, making music. You know how it goes :)

"SHARK" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

Shark is a big one for me. I truly feel like this song created a very pivotal moment for me as an artist in terms of really finding my sound. I wrote this back in January 2019, and although we went back in and made some changes to the production, the message behind this song is still super relevant today. I’m a very closed off person - the people in my circle today are my day ones. In an industry like this you have to be super cautious with who you let into your business. It’s valid in every day life as well. “Shark” really speaks on those people who infiltrate your life to reap the benefits of your hard work. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process? How's it like to collaborate with A T O M? 

ATOM is the greatest - we’ve been working together now for three years which seems crazy. We just really understand each other when it comes to the music. Our process is relatively the same with each song. We start with a simple four chord progression, write the lyrics & melodies at the same time and build around that. Our progress works for us and we never miss with the songs!

What do you like the most about this single? 

Shark just has such a special place in my heart. I’ve been writing since I was six years old but SHARK was really that magical moment where I finally felt like true to myself and what I wanted to say in my music and how I wanted to sound. I just love the story of this one.

What made you want to release "SHARK" as a single? 

It’s such a powerful song - it deserves its very own spotlight.

What can you tell us about the music video? 

We shot this video back in 2019 as well. There was a very small team involved - Travis Didluck directed with Lee Zavitz on DOP. They’re both fantastic & talented creators. I really trusted them with my vision for this song. We shot it over the span of two days. It’s very edgy which is very up my ally.

For those who don't know, how's it like to release music in 2021 as an independent artist? What different steps an artist needs to take to release a new single? 

COVID definitely has an effect on what it’s like to release music in 2021. It’s different - not being able to perform live or go out and network. Take in mind I’m currently living in Toronto - so we’re still very much in lockdown. But with that being said - we don't stop. I’m still doing as much as I can & really trying to connect with more people/fans in other ways.

What message would you give to young artists? 

Don’t stop. You have to truly love the process and not just the reward if you want to make it in this industry. It takes time and a sh*t ton of effort. Find a solid team and build your brand.

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