Alex Shera’s new single is probably one of my favorite new releases. It’s called “Blue Nights” and it’s the type of songs that make you feel something every time you listen to it. I can’t really describe that feeling but listening to this song makes me feel free and hopeful. Sometimes you can’t really describe what music makes you feel. It just feels good. “Blue Nights” has that kind of impact. It’s a good pop record that immediately catches your attention with its efficient production and memorable melodies. Discovering Alex Shera’s music was a beautiful surprise and I can’t wait to hear more :)

“Blue Nights” is now available worldwide :)

Photo credit: Bradford Rogne

Introduce the artist - what's your story?

My name is Alex Shera and I'm an artist from L.A. I got into the entertainment industry originally as a stylist working with big acts like Katy Perry and Marshmello. Over the past couple of years, I have been working extremely hard on recording music. Lots of personal growth and newfound courage has helped me to get to where I am today in my artistry. 

How would you define Alex Shera, the artist?

I write from my own life experiences. From the good things in life to the bad things in life. It’s all important to document through music. Creatively when recording / writing a song, I tend to think of all angles that come into play. From content creation to marketing, my vision helps my stories come to life. 

"Blue Nights" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single?

“Blue Nights,” I wrote from my own personal experience. “Blue Nights” represents having love for someone but never acting upon or showing your feelings to the person you like. 

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this specific single? When did you start working on it? Who helped you create it?

I worked on this song about two years ago with Micky Skeel. We were listening and jamming out to beats at the session. I was scrolling in my phone notes when I came across a note titled ‘Blue Nights.’ Instantly I knew I wanted to write around that concept of Blue Nights.

Directed by: Connor EllmannEdited by: Shelby MeinzerAlex Shera Instagram :​STREAMING PLATFORMS:SPOTIFY:https://open.s...

What did you feel when writing this song?

I felt as if writing this song was a form of therapy for me. I was in a sad, blue state when writing this song so letting it out in the form of art was really positive for me. 

What's your favorite thing about this single?

So many favorite things about this single! I had so much fun recording the music video with all my friends. I'm also really happy about how true this song is to me and how I documented / journaled this check-point in my life. I will never forget it. 

What made you want to release "Blue Nights" as a single?

I wanted to release “Blue Nights” as a single because sad music comforts people. At a time with such uncertainty in the world I wanted to give back and let people know that there are plenty of people feeling sad at times, myself included. I hope this song resonates and helps even just one person. 

What can you tell us about the music video?

The video is very special to me. I shot it with a bunch of my friends at some of our favorite locations in L.A. From Sunset Blvd and Mulholland Drive, to the historic Warner Brothers mansion in Hollywood. For people that have never been to L.A. and want to experience a bit of the inspirational vibes of the city, I recommend watching the video.

What's your goal for this single?

To move and touch as many people as possible with this record. I also want to show to the world that on top of my styling I am a man of more talent. I want to show people, who may not know, that I am also a singer.

What does it mean for you to be an artist?

Me being an artist is being true to myself. Using music as a therapy tool to express my feelings in a creative way is such a blessing. It’s been a dream to be able to release music. I'm now fearless towards anything in my way. 

How would you define Pop music?

Pop music is popular, ha!

In your opinion, what makes a good song?

Music is subjective; what sounds good to me may not sound good to you and vice versa. What makes a good song to me is when the artist awakens emotion from my soul. I want to feel the energy of the song when I listen to it.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

Some of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned is to be patient and to always have self-belief. No matter the situation, stay strong, think positive and your desired outcome will be there.

As an artist, how's it like to live in a city like Los Angeles?

Growing up in L.A. was great. So much opportunity in this great city for artists to collab on music and art. This city is really inspiring. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

It’s been cool to see the way music has progressed and changed over the years. One thing I would add to the music industry is to have more LGBTQ+ mainstream artists. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

In this industry there are a lot of ups and downs. Despite the roller coaster rides I have never lost faith in myself. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

The world would be a better place if people could be more understanding and compassionate about other people’s lives.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

Be yourself, self-love and follow your instincts!

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