"Damn Shame Waste", by Kris Angelis

Damn Shame Waste seems like a negative title, but it comes from a line in one of the songs, “Paper Planes” which is about my dad who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, which says, “You know that you love me and I want you to stay and worrying about anything else is just a damn shame waste” I thought it applied to the album as a whole because it comes out of the most empowered and actively working on healing and growing state that I think I’ve ever written an album from. It still touches on the feelings of heartbreak and struggle while looking forward and embracing the unknown as in “Run”, letting those experiences change you for the better and move you somewhere new as in “It’s Tumbling Me”, and ultimately finding your power as in “Earthquake.” Yes, it’s a shame to lose love and for those people to have lost getting to experience mine (or yours) but if it brings you to self-love, it’s worth it and the best is yet to come. Looking back with shame and regret is a waste that I have spent too much of my life on and have even beat myself up about that fact. Imagine learning things that are supposed to help you and having the takeaway tainted by anger toward yourself that you didn’t do it better before. Can you relate? I’m committed to letting go of all of that while rewriting the stories I’ve been telling myself that don’t serve me or anyone else, expressing my truth, standing in my power and love, and learning from the mistakes I have made and will surely continue to make. These are the songs that let me feel/process big emotions, as well as what I needed to hear: pep talks to myself about what I’m creating, and I hope they will be comforting and inspiring to you as well.

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