
I’m super excited to share this new interview with Helen because she’s one of the most exciting artists I’ve ever got to feature. Her latest single “Talk” is so refreshing, empowering and inspiring. Helen is definitely a breath of fresh air. What an incredible talent she is.

Thank you so much Helen for this interview !!

“Talk” is now available worldwide !

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi, my name is Helen and I’m an independent artist based in the DMV area. I’ve been writing my own songs for about 10 years now but it wasn’t until two years ago that I decided to chase after my dream. 

What did you grow up listening to? 

I listened to a variety of artists, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Stevie Wonder, and some traditional/pop Ethiopian songs. 

When did you start writing songs? 

I attempted to write songs starting at the age of 10, but I didn’t write a full song until I was about 14 after I learned to play the guitar. 

When did you know you could sing? 

Maybe around 8 or so. 

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music? What was the biggest challenge when you first started? 

I just really wanted to create something and share it with the world no matter what. I think finding the right production and sources to really convey my music the way I wanted was a struggle at first, but I’ve learned that everyday and every project is a learning experience, and there’s always room to grow from it. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My best friends and my mom. 

"Talk" is your new single - what's the inspiration/story behind this song? 

I just wanted women to feel empowered and confident in their own bodies despite the judgment we often face from society.  

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote this song about two months ago; I started off with a sample that I had and wrote a guide. Then I wrote the lyrics for the guide and sent a rough demo to the producer I work with, Jamie McArdle. From there, we went back and forth talking in detail about the direction of the song. Within a couple of weeks, we had the song complete. 

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

It makes me feel like I can take on whatever comes my way, and it’s just fun to listen to. 

What made you want to release "Talk" as a single? 

I’ve been releasing several singles for over a year now and “Talk” was a song that allowed me to express another side of my artistry. 

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

I shot the pictures myself, I wanted it to have a dark look to it similar to the song. I thought having the jewels on conveyed that aspect of confidence and empowerment that the lyrics discussed. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

Writer's block is the hardest part, but overcoming it and creating something I love is the best part. 

How's it like to be a woman in the music industry? What message do you want to deliver to women out there? 

It is hard; it’s hard to navigate an industry ruled by men who often want to take advantage of you or look down on you simply because you are a woman. I think it is important for women in the industry to band together and create a safe space for ourselves. We must know just how powerful we really are. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

As an independent artist, the music industry is huge and a bit scary. There are these big record labels with so much money and resources that often block small artists. TikTok has been one of the few platforms that has brought so many listeners to my music, but I often wonder what would’ve happened if I didn’t have that platform. I think many artists on TikTok might have the same question because it’s so hard to get discovered as an artist when you have such limited resources. I would like it if there were more platforms and places for independent artists to get noticed. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

There’s so many things we can do to make the world better, but educating ourselves on topics such as race, gender, sexuality, capitalism, etc..., can be a start. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Go after all the things you want and trust yourself through the process - just be open to learning everyday.

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