Days to Waste

I've always liked Emo music, especially the songs that feel real and emotional. Days to Waste’s new song is exactly what I was hoping for. “Wait For Me” came from a place of honesty, and we can clearly hear that in the record. Exploring the feeling of loss and letting go of the past in this song, “Wait For Me” is a record that will speak to many of us.

“Wait For Me” is now available worldwide.

What's the story of Days to Waste? 

Days to Waste began as a project that I made up when I was 14. At first I wanted to make almost exclusively acoustic music because my main inspirations were artists like SayWeCanFly and NeverShoutNever. I then soon started doing covers on YouTube under the same name and I thought that was gonna be my thing, I remember wanting to be a YouTuber / Musician but began focusing way more on the music side of things til I eventually just dropped the YouTuber side. I went on a small hiatus for about a year until I found the underground scene and the rest is history.

When did you start writing songs? 

I began writing songs when I was very young like 12 / 13, my dad is a guitar player so I’d always watch him play and I’d wanna learn. And after learning a few chords on the guitar I wrote my first song and actually attempted to record it as well.

When did you know you could sing?

I think I was in 6th or 7th grade when I was just kinda singing to myself in my room listening to a song and my mom bursts in looking kinda surprised and asked if that was me singing. And then she started telling people that I could sing and I kinda embraced it.

You grew up listening to Christian music - how did it impact the music you are making today? 

I think melodically there’s a very obvious Christian Rock inspiration in my songs. I started my guitar / singing journey playing on my Worship Team at church so all of the chord progressions I knew were all Christian songs and so naturally those are the same chords i would write my songs with, and I still do write my songs with those same chords!

"Wait for Me" is your latest single - what can you tell us about it? What's the inspiration behind it? 

Wait For Me kinda explores a story that’s dragged out across my life, going from a place of feeling stuck with nowhere to turn to a place of finding someone who makes me feel like myself again, letting go of a past that’s been holding me down for years, and getting over these dark emotions that have just been fueling my life for so long.

When did you start working on this song? Could you describe to us the songwriting/production process? 

Well, Wait For Me is a song that’s been in the works for about a year, I started writing it about a year ago and it’s gone through many lyrical and instrumental changes. The meaning has kinda changed for it across time but I think it found a home in its final state.

What did you feel when recording "Wait for Me"? 

I’m not really sure. I think I felt relief in a way. Because I had a whole demo made out and I’ve sent it off for mixing in the past and changed lyrics before scrapping everything I had done and starting fresh on a new laptop with new tracks.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? What message do you want to deliver? 

I think my main goal when writing songs is to make people feel like the song they're listening to is genuine, I feel like it’s so powerful when you listen to a song and you can really understand that the person who wrote it is being genuine and their writing from an honest and real place. I don’t ever wanna hold back when I write, I just wanna put my feelings and my thoughts onto paper even if it’s brutally honest because I feel like that’s what’s most impactful and important to me and the listener.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

I think the hardest part about being an artist, especially as someone who writes from a very personal place, is being as public and as present as I can. I’m a very closed off person and I started writing for myself as a way to cope with the things I was going through, and I’ve always kept to myself and stayed in a tight group. And seeing so many people interact with my music and seeing so many lovely messages and so much positive feedback is something that I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. I’m so grateful for everyone who listens to my music and supports me, music has been my dream ever since I was 14 and I never thought I’d get to where I’m at.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I think today's music industry is the hardest to compete in it's ever been. I think with tiktok and reels it’s exposed the world to so many talented people and it’s given these people a platform and all of them an equal opportunity to kickstart their careers if they tried. I feel like all I can do to keep people engaged is to just be genuine in my songs. I can’t compete with Jayce Janson, TikTok Super-Star, all I can do is be myself. And if I could change one thing I’d bring back Warped Tour.

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today? 

I live and breathe by some of the records listed, and they’ve all been such a huge part of myself and my career. In no particular order, Blessed are Those by SayWeCanFly, wake up next to me by Sullii, Reaper by nothing,nowhere., Illuminate by Lydia, and Clouded by This Wild Life. I could go on but I think the list would be too long.

What message do you want to deliver to anyone struggling with their mental health? 

No matter who you are or where you are, if you’re struggling with mental health just try and remember that you’re not alone. I know it can be a very dark place and even if you don’t believe it now, there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.




