"Happy Here", By Dorian Williams II
Photo credit: BGRIMM PHOTO
“Love this for you, congratulations!” But is it true? Do I really love it for you? Or do I like it for you and hate it for me? Honestly, it’s hard to tell these days. I hate that feeling. The prickly chill that settles on the back of my neck as the spirit of envy grabs me by the shoulders and steers me to the edge of the cliff, daring me to jump into my darkest thoughts. I stand frozen in place, feeling nothing but seeing everything. Look at what they’re doing, where they are, what they have, who they’re with...I want it and I want it bad. So bad I’ll strive to get it until my mind shatters and my bones break. I’ve become so consumed, so disillusioned, and so obsessed with what’s in front of me, that I’ve lost the ability to appreciate where I am. Where the sun once shone, only dark clouds remain...but in the darkness, a light emerges. A voice so small and still you can barely hear it, yet so sharp it cuts through the waves of static crashing in my mind, scorching the sky like a lighting bolt from Heaven. In the gentlest of voices, it lovingly whispers:
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be
Drink some water
Breathe again
Hear the birds
What a song!
See the clouds
What a sight!
Delete the app
Heck, toss the phone
Hug your loved ones
Call your friends
Say a prayer for your enemies
Breathe. There you go!
Fill your lungs and have a look around
You’ve been living in a prison of your own creation But your sentence is up
Lose the chains kid, you’re free
Free to roam
Free to stay
Free to try
Free to fail
Free to love
Free to lose
Free to live
Free to die trying
But in all of your roaming and staying
Trying and failing
Loving and losing
Living and dying
Remember this one thing
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be