Elise Hayes

It’s been a minute since I interviewed Elise Hayes on my blog. I think she was one of the first artists to be featured on my new blog and I’m so happy to support her new music. She recently released her new EP Human Heart and I am in love with this project. Every song is beautiful, honest and so well produced. She produced the whole EP and I think this is fucking amazing. I honestly love every song and it’s a project you should listen on repeat.

Congrats Elise on this incredible project. You are truly one of the best out there. Thank you for writing about mental health, thank you for writing on things that matter.

Human Heart is now available worldwide :)

Photo credit: Rachel Deeb

Hi Elise, how are you? It's great to have you back on my blog :)  You're about to release your new EP Human Heart - how does it feel like? 

Hi! It's great to be back! Thanks for having me. It feels awesome to have this music out! It's always a really exciting thing to have something that you envisioned in your mind come to fruition. 

When did you start working on this project? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it? 

I started working on this EP in February of 2020..right before the pandemic! My plan was to have it released in the fall of that year, but of course COVID had other plans. I continued to chip away at it while I was working on some other projects for film and television, and then was able to really put all of my energy into it in the summer of 2021. It was a long time to wait, but I ended up writing "Human Heart" during the summer of last year, and of course that became the title track. So, it ended up being worth it for me :) I produced this EP at my studio in Nashville with lots of help from friends and musicians that I absolutely adore. 

What different topics are you talking about on this project?

I'm touching on a lot of internal emotions. Anxiety, burnout, elements of depression. Also falling in love and heartbreak. I wanted the EP to feel super emotional and heartfelt. I have always felt like that's what I'm best at. Just being honest and expressing my state of mind as it is, and trying to honestly express what others could be feeling in certain situations. 

What did you feel when writing "The Hard Way"? 

The hook for "The Hard Way" came to me in a dream! Haha, sometimes when I'm falling asleep I hear songs in my head. I woke up and was like..oh, I love that. So I wrote it down and recorded a quick voice memo. I brought it to my session the next day with Jonny Mo and Zarni de Vette and we just talked about what it means to get over someone the hard way. It really feels like such an honest confession and I LOVE that about the lyrics. I loved writing that song and it's one of my favorites to play too. 

What do you like the most about this project? 

I'm really proud that I produced it. I know every single part on every single song like the back of my hand because I sat with it, edited, tried things, deleted things, I worked so hard on the recordings. I feel like it feels so much more like ME because of that! I hope that can inspire any young female artist that feels like she can't produce, to just start. It's been such a valuable skill set for me. It gives you the power to create what you want.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this EP?

I really want people to feel seen when they listen to these songs. Music has always been so cathartic for me, and the biggest antidote to feeling alone. With this record, I really tried to be honest and say things in a poignant, real way from a very genuine place. I really hope that translates.


What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The photos were done by Rachel Deeb, who is one of my favorite photographers in Nashville. She's the best and makes me feel super comfortable. Ceci Mula did the artwork and wow, she is so talented. She creates the coolest visuals and I knew I had to work with her on this EP. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

There are good and bad parts to everything. I think it's really hard to accept the instability for me sometimes. Just the up and down of things can make me crazy because I work really hard and like to see results. A bit type A! Haha. On the other hand, getting to collaborate and create art for a living is truly the most fulfilling thing in the world. It's a really special connection that you get to build with other creatives, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Also, getting to connect with people that relate to your music...there are so so many good things. The good outweighs the bad!

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I'm sure this is a common answer, but I just feel like there's so much pressure to create digital content now. On top of producing, writing, recording, playing shows, you also have to be capturing all of that. I want to be on my phone less, not more, so sometimes I feel really frustrated with that. I wish there was less pressure to be on social media constantly.

What advice would you give to artists out there? 

Create your own musical world. Live in it. Build your own fire and bring people to it. The unique art that you have to bring to the world matters, and no matter how hard it can be sometimes, no one can take that away from you.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

My family went through a big loss last year that has really changed me as a person. Life is short. Love your people, create your art, live your life fully and however you want to do it. Life is really precious and I have more gratitude for everything than ever before. 

What message do you want to give to anyone struggling with their mental health? 

Don't be afraid to talk to someone. Therapy and medicine have been so helpful to me. I think therapy can be really daunting for young people, especially because it can be expensive, but there are so many options out there. Reach out to your local community centers, your school, there are resources! Having someone to talk to is such an asset and can get you out of your own head. Sending love to anyone struggling, you are never alone!

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