EMI WIDE & Jaydev

I’ve always told people that Scandinavia had some of the best artists ever. EMI WIDE and Jaydev have just released a banger titled “Feels”.

Hailing from Denmark, the two joined their talents to create a nostalgic and energetic record inspired by hip-hop and pop for the early 2000s. Although it may feel nostalgic, it also feels refreshing and very unique.

“Feels” is a big record, and it is out now.

Photo credit: Karoline Stensen

Hi guys, how are you? What's your story?

Hi! We are both doing very well, and are just about to head to London to make some more music. 

Our collective creative journey stems from a conversation we had with each other last year. Jaydev asked EMI to meet up and talk about music and our individual careers in 2022. Shortly after the conversation, we decided to go to the studio and within 5 hours we had created a big chunk of what “Feels” sounds like today. We both went to the same music school 7 years ago, so it feels very ‘full circle’ to be releasing something together that sounds like the exact mixture of our sounds.

You're about to release "Feels" - at what point did you realize you had to collaborate on this song? 

We created “Feels” in the first session we ever had together, and were both just blown away by how well we worked together, and how much fun we had. After working on the song for a few more sessions, we decided that we were going to release it. 

What's the inspiration/story behind this song? 

The inspiration for “Feels” is a mixture of our influences. With EMI WIDE coming from a pop background and Jaydev a Hip/Hop one, we meshed our sonics together to create something that sounds like the songs we think represent the collaboration between those genres the best. We didn’t know what the product of our voices and us both playing around in Logic would sound like, but luckily it’s giving a “American Boy” or “Promiscuous” vibe. Which honestly is a dream to just be able to say out loud. 

When did you start working on "Feels"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? 

We started working on it in the fall of 2022. The two of us met up in Jaydev’s studio in central Copenhagen and started making the skeleton for the production. We wanted it to be simple but hard hitting, so we focused a lot on the bassline and on making it very punchy. Then we wrote our parts in the song and recorded them right after. 

What did you feel when recording this song? 

We never stopped having fun during this record. We were both so excited about how well it turned out. One of the best things about creating Feels has honestly been to get to know each other better. We’ve been hanging out a lot since we created it. 

What's your favorite lyric on "Feels"? 

We both have different ones but I (Jaydev) definitely feel like, “Wine by the bottles what i’m talking bout, i think we need a vacay to get our toxins out” is the coolest thing i’ve written in a while as it paints the relatable picture of needing an escape when in a discussion. Furthermore it reminds me - whenever I start thinking I just need to run away from whatever problem is in front of me - that problems don’t always get solved by breaks. For a relationship to work, you’ve gotta enjoy the “boring” daily life, and only then will you thoroughly be able to take in the joy of drinking a bottle of wine on your vacation. Of course this may differ from relationship to relationship.

What made you want to release "Feels" as a single? 

“Feels” was a single from the second we had created the base of the track. It reminded us of all of the hits from when we were younger. It is also the first and only song we’ve made together. We just knew that this song was something special, and had to be released.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? What message do you want to deliver? 

Sonically we want the listener to be hugged by the feeling of nostalgia. Afterwards when the rhythm has planted itself onto the listener we hope that the lyrics can be relatable for all the people struggling to communicate through social media in this day and age. Miscommunication is so easy when texting, and that's a bit of what we’ve tried to depict in the song. But the bottomline is, that we want the listener to feel warm and groovy when listening to the song.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

The artwork is shot through a mirror on a floor in Jaydev’s living room. Very DIY. We were playing around the whole day with different ideas, and actually agreed on something completely different. But luckily this picture got dug out of all of the photos from the day and we instantly knew that this was the cover when we saw it. We haven't done a lot to the picture after that. It just looks good as is.

What are your thoughts on today' music industry, If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

Everyone in the industry has their idea of how it’s going. Some regard these times as being dire and dystopic, some are seeing the opportunities in being able to become something out of nothing on platforms like TikTok and are excited about the future of it all. We don’t think anyone has it figured out, but one thing is for sure, the creators are the glue of it all. So we need to respect our work, and know that the industry wouldn’t be - without us.

There’s a lot of structural problems in the music industry, but if one thing had to be changed it would definitely have to be the implied “survival of the fittest” mentality that is engulfed in the culture. It polarizes artists and makes us unnecessarily competitive. What we’ve experienced by working on “Feels” is that we all will get further and be more content in our work if we help each other, and don’t see each other as direct competition. There’s enough for us all out there.

As artists, what are the biggest challenges? And what is the best part? 

The biggest challenge of being an artist in 2023, is the fact that being a good musician or having good music doesn’t cut it anymore. You’ve got to be able to wear different hats at any given time. We’re all entrepreneurs, and for us to be successful we have to be able to adapt to the playing rules. Content creation, booking, PR and merchandise are just some of the things that an artist has to dive into for them to be able to create a career. So the challenge is to be juggling between all of these jobs, while still prioritizing the most precious and important thing - music.

The best part lies in the creation of the music. Nothing feels better than having created what feels like the best thing you’ve ever done. The second best feeling would definitely have to be the people’s reaction. Not necessarily as much on socials, but at shows and irl.  

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Overall more peace and patience. There are many terrible things happening in the world right now that are quite depressing, which is why cooperating and reaching out seems more important than ever. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned this year? 

There's this Lauryn Hill quote that's stuck by us this year that says “Let critique and compliments go down the same drain”. Which simply explains how not to get caught up in external gratification and or criticism. Easier said than done though.

Also - the tide always comes back. We think there’s a theme of “balance” that's been consistently present throughout the year.

Connect with EMI WIDE:



Connect with Jaydev:

