Brooke Alexx

Photo credit: John Brown

Ok so Brooke Alexx has been an artist I’ve been following very closely ever since I first interviewed her for her single “Bored”. She always has infectious and empowering singles which are always inspiring to me. My personal favorite song is “Stole My Heart”. I swear I listened to this song so many times, I still can’t get enough of it.

But I believe her new single “Grace” marks a new beginning for Brooke Alexx. It is still a big pop record, but it’s also different. First of all, hearing that guitar on that song is the first big difference I noticed on her new music. Hearing that organic instrumentation feels great and it made me want to hear more of her new music. Second, she co-wrote this song with Asher Postman and LVRBOY (I believe this guy is going to be one of the greatest songwriters out there, just throwing this in here :) and it was apparently their first co-write together but I’m gonna need them to write more stuff together because “Grace” is one of the greatest pop records I’ve heard this year so far. It’s big, personal and important.

Brooke Alexx is one the greatest pop artists out there and she is definitely one of my favorites. She’s inspiring, brave, fun, colorful, powerful and empowering. She’s a brilliant storyteller/songwriter and I believe her songs will be remembered for a very long time.

Thank you Brooke for your music.

“Grace” is now available :)

Photo credit: Matt Delbaggio

Hi Brooke !! How are you? What have you been up to? 

Hey girl! I’ve been great and I’m really excited to jumpstart 2021!

You've just released your new single "Grace" - what's the story/inspiration behind this single? 

I was at a bonfire with my girlfriends and we were playing the game “We’re Not Really Strangers“ and we started talking about my relationship with my mom. We weren’t as close as I would’ve liked growing up, but I realized I had grown to resemble her in many ways. I had a co-write soon after that and thought it would make for a really unique song concept.

Who helped you create this single? 

I wrote the song with Jordan DePaul (LVRBOY) and Asher Postman. It was our first write together and Jordan pulled out his guitar and said, “I was listening to your music all day today and I think this chorus melody is so you.”

What did you feel when writing this song? 

I definitely felt a sense of release writing this song because I think I felt a lot of guilt around my relationship with my mom and this song finally let me come to terms with that.

What made you want to release "Grace" as a single? 

The melodies in the chorus are infectious and I knew as soon as we wrote it that the song was special.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

When I was home for Thanksgiving, I asked my mom if we could go through some old family photos and I found this photo of her holding me as a baby. It was already black and white and I thought it was so badass and looked like an album cover.

What is your goal for this new song?

This song is going to set off the next EP and I feel like this batch of music is a level up for me, sonically and lyrically. I think I’ve been building up to this project and I’m hoping that people will see the growth and hop on board if they haven’t yet.

What message do you want to give to every mom around the world? 

It’s never too late to get closer with your loved ones. Even if you weren’t best friends with your daughter growing up, there’s always time to create that bond.

What can you tell us about your upcoming EP? 

I’m really excited to prove the strength of my songwriting with the upcoming EP. I think I’ve grown a lot as a writer and a storyteller, and I’m excited to share that with these new songs. Similarly, you’ll notice that the production includes more organic instrumentation and less in-your-face synth-pop sounds.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

I just heard this quote the other day and I absolutely love it: “Know you are great, but not greater than anyone else.”

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