Following the release of his debut EP nice to meet you released last year, singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Julian Skiboat revealed his latest single titled “Flowers” on February 12th.

Produced by Peter Kuli, the heartfelt single was written after a mental reset and relearning how to be a healthy and positive partner.

“I think with my upcoming songs and projects I really want to dive into that kind of like “it could be worse”, “I can make it through this” message,” explains Skiboat.

The 24 year-old artist hopes to make people feel less alone through his music and his personal stories.

“Flowers” is now available worldwide :)

Artwork: Sydney Roberts

What did you learn about yourself after finishing your first EP?

Finishing and releasing my first EP “nice to meet you” taught me so much actually. It was definitely a reflective piece on my life from 2017 to 2020. It was definitely like my own coming of age movie. It taught me how much I’ve grown, and that I’m a very sensitive human. It also taught me I was way more in touch with myself than I thought, and how important it is to know and love yourself.

"Flowers" is your latest single - how do people like this song so far?

I think people really are enjoying it…at least I hope people are really enjoying it. All my friends love it and I love it so that’s good for me, you know?

What's the inspiration behind this single?

It was inspired by me having a little reset moment. I have a handful, if you will, of emotional and mental problems. So yeah, the song is about learning how to cope with those issues, and still holding yourself accountable to be a positive and healthy partner.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it?

The song writing was mad easy. It was just like a therapy session. I just said what was on my mind. The production however is all credited to Peter Kuli. Peter really brought the song to life with his production. I just sent him my vocals and guitar and he did the rest. Peter has been super helpful in all aspects of me not only being an artist but being a person. And I think this song reflects that a lot.

What did you feel when writing this song?

Relief. It feels good to get thoughts out in the world, rather than just holding them in. That’s the true beauty of songwriting. This song was a big step for me.

Listen to Flowers on Spotify. Julian Skiboat · Song · 2021.

What's your favorite thing about this single?

Hmm I don’t know. I guess the message behind it. I think it’s something we all go through. That feeling of not being enough… I think we all feel it from time to time so I’m happy to relate with others.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

My amazing girlfriend Sydney Roberts killed it. I’ve always loved the classic smiley logo throughout my whole life. Like I thought it was one of the greatest things ever. So we flipped it, threw flowers around it and bam instant classic lol.

What does it mean for you to be an artist?

Being an artist is just expressing yourself in public. So being an artist for me, is spreading kindness and awareness to others. I love that responsibility of brightening someones day or helping them feel less alone.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

Like I said before the best part is making people smile and feel less alone. The hardest part is making sure you're there for everyone that supports you. but it’s so worth it and it’s so rewarding. And I love all my friends (“fans” if that’s what you want to call them) so much.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

From my experience it’s absolutely amazing. I work with the most loving, caring, and thoughtful people. I honestly wouldn’t change a thing.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Surround yourself with forward thinking people that will care for you and push you to new heights. That shit is so important. Like just push yourself everyday.


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I mean so fucking cliche...but, love. There’s so much hate and negativity in this world. If we’d all just treat people with kindness and understand that no one is the same and everyone is going through something… I don’t know I think we’d all be a bit happier. People need to learn that being sensitive and empathetic/sympathetic is something we all need and it isn’t a weakness. It is actually a great strength to be vulnerable like that. At least that’s what I think. I don’t know I just wish everyone would understand that every word and action they choose to do/use has a greater meaning than what they think. Everything effects everything period.

What message do you want to deliver to the world?

You’re not alone. That’s really it. I just want people to feel at home when they listen to me.

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