James Favron
Photo credit: Rose Deramo Photography
My name’s James Favron and my favourite movie is Accepted (2006). I was coming up on the end of my teenage years when I saw it for the first time and damn, I’ll never forget it. I think something about the idea of being accepted for who you are, even when you don’t really have a clue who you are, is the dream of any human. When you’re a teenager you have all these ‘grown ups’ putting pressure on you to get your shit together, before they even let you go out for a night without a curfew. Fast forward a few years and you start to realize that those grown ups were so busy micromanaging their kids that they still have no clue what the hell they’re doing.
So what am I doing here?
Well technically I’m not ‘here’, am I? Right now you’re staring at a screen, hopefully sitting with good posture (not likely though am I right?? haha), blissfully disconnected from the world around you hoping that for a few minutes something you read will inspire you, or identify with you, or wake up your sleeping imagination and transport you to a new world.
Well, how am I doing?
The truth is there’s not really a point to that question is there? If at any point so far I had bored you enough for you to leave, you would without a doubt have found something else to ramp up those endorphins by now. And if you’re still here, it’s because something about the sentences I have chosen to string together up to this point have done exactly what I wrote them for!
Listen I’m not gonna keep you here long but consider this.
I am a writer. I write stories and poems and metaphors and anecdotes, and then I put ‘em on top of music. I didn’t really ‘choose’ to be a writer though. In fact my life as a musician started behind a drum set when I was six years old. It wasn’t until about fifteen years later that I decided I wanted to learn how to sing and play guitar, and if we’re being honest it’s just because I love being the star and entertaining people and that’s a lot easier from the centre mic than it is from behind the drums. But regardless of HOW I got here, now that I’ve been doing it for a few years, I’ve found a way to say what I want to say, in a way I want to say it. I still don’t really know exactly what I’m ‘supposed’ to be doing with my life most days, but I know what I want to be doing so I chase after that and I hope for the best.
So, why are you here? You’ve stayed til the end, reading words from a stranger, hoping to be inspired. Well, let’s get to it then.
You were the inspiration. I wrote this because I wanted you to read it. I wanted you to get lost in it and for a brief moment forget about everything else around you. You stayed because you were curious and that is exactly what I wanted for you. To be curious again. The world is full of wonder and magic and you fucking know it, go be curious and make some shit you magical little wizard!
Thanks for helping me do what I set out to do, I literally couldn’t have done it without you!
Let’s talk soon yeah, I’m @jamesfavron on social platforms and I’d love to connect!