
It’s good to get to feature another great artist from Australia. Her name is Jodi and she is a singer/songwriter and producer based in Sydney. Her latest single “Frenchie” is an instant banger. Co-produced with Oscar Sharah, “Frenchie” is sexy, catchy and upbeat.

Jodi also wrote a book of poems titled Elise Fintry's Infused State - now available on Amazon.

“Frenchie” is now available on all major streaming platforms. Go stream it !! :)

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

I've lived in Sydney all my life. Singing for most of it too. I'm very creative also, I love art, poetry, and cooking. I've actually written a little book of poems, Elise Fintry's Infused State, available on Amazon!

When did you start writing songs? 

I've always tinkled on the piano, writing little melodies, but actual songwriting started in high school, when I first started using Logic. I used to make covers, they're actually still on youtube *cringe*.  I'd record songs using the microphone on my old wire apple headphones and sit in my parent's closet which was actually a great place to record. No sound interruptions, the soft textures eat up all the sound, it's like a real booth haha.

At what point did you know you could sing? 

Honestly, there isn't a point in time I can decipher. I've been singing since I can remember. I have early memories of singing Nikki Webster with my sister, later our Delta phase became very serious.

What gave you the confidence to be an artist and release your original music? 

I'd been producing and writing for many years, prior to releasing. I think after making and releasing the book (Elise FIntry's Infused State), I found safety and confidence to release my music. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My childhood best friend Nat. She was my biggest critic haha! We're still very close, everytime I release something she hits me with an "I told you so".

"Frenchie" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single? 

Frenchie takes place in a bedroom. It's all about tactile reflexes and total lust. I was really inspired by Dua Lipa's Pretty Please. I wanted to make something like that; sexy, sweaty and captivating.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this particular single? How was it like to work with Oscar Sharah on the production? 

I wrote and produced the song in a day. The initial demo was a lot darker, empty and pretty raw. I wrote it in April 2020, and just sat on the demo for a while. Oscar and I worked on it during this most recent lockdown. We had a couple sessions over zoom. The form of the song is pretty much the same. Lyrics didn't change and most of my production stayed. We altered the bassline and added some additional synths and percussion. Now the track is transformed into this club, sweaty, social track. Before it was this dark, grunge, messy song haha! It's super clean and fun now.

What did you feel when writing this song? 

I was really inspired by the feeling of Dua Lipa's Pretty Please. It felt heavy and trudgy and super sexy. I really wanted to make something that felt like that. The context of the song takes place in a bedroom, I'm not sure if that's totally obvious. I was drawing on feelings of lust and indulgence. I pictured hearing Frenchie at a sweaty, dark, grungy club where you just want someone to push you up against a wall and dance with you... Very primal and driven. Essentially those are the feels of this song.

What's your favorite thing about this song? 

I couldn't choose. I love how if you listen to the lyrics carefully... they ain't polite. I love how unapologetically confident I felt when writing it. For me it's a song that hits you in that primal part of your brain, it switches you on and reels you in. I love how it makes me feel. I'm excited to see how people feel when they hear it too.

What made you want to release "Frenchie" as a single?

I'm in the process of releasing many singles. Singles are the easiest and most efficient way to release music whilst remaining relevant. You can punch one out every three months, and they can all tell their own story. I've written everything from Pop to RnB to Soft Rock to Surf Rock to Instrumental Lo-Fi and even Jazz. I'm not releasing every track, but I think singles allow for that freedom in writing. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

Hardest part: comparing myself to others is something I struggle with a little. It's tough to put your art out there if you don't even believe your audience will care about receiving it or not. I think that's probably my biggest hurdle. Best part: creating sick shit! Haha and doing it with your people. It's cool that I can meet someone in a session, spend hours with that stranger and just flow together creating art. It's indulgent.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I'm honestly still navigating it, and it's pretty new to me. I think it's pretty magical that music can make you feel so much, and can affect different people differently. Once I gather my bearings I'll let you know what I'd change haha!

What biggest life lessons have you learnt so far? 

Just do you. Back yourself up. If something touches you, go with it, and if you find people along the way that feel the same, bring them along. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

God I'm so naive. But honestly racism and war and prejudice is something I'll never understand. We all need to let go of our pride. Ego is so dangerous. On a lighter note - MORE MUSIC !! Would be great haha.

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