Kami Kehoe

I quickly noticed how authentic Kami Kehoe’s music is. Her topics are important and her lyrics are straightforward. She has stories to share with the world and she’s perfectly doing it through her songs. Her new single “loaded gun” is poignant, edgy and empowering. Watching the lyric video makes the song even powerful. A must watch.
Let’s keep an eye on Kami Kehoe because she has so much more to say. Her debut album DRAMA QUEEN is coming out this spring.

“loaded gun” is now available everywhere.

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name’s Kami Kehoe. I’m 19 years old. I’ve been making music my whole life. I started playing the drums at the age of 3. Then started a band with my 2 older sisters at the age of 6. I was a drummer, writer, back up vocalist and I would film and edit content for the band for 10 years. From 6-16. Then when I turned 16 my band and I split. But I couldn’t stop doing music so I learned how to produce. Then I taught myself how to engineer and 3 years later I have over 100 songs in the vault. I also edit and film my own music/lyric videos. 

You're getting ready to release your new single "loaded gun" - what made you want to release it as a single? 

“loaded gun” is the focus track for my album “DRAMA QUEEN” that I’ll be releasing in March. I chose loaded gun as a single because I think it highlights the concept of the album the most out of all the 9 songs.

What's the story behind "loaded gun"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it? 

The story behind “loaded gun” was about a situation I had went through with an ex. We were on and off a few different times. But I remember the last time we ended things he told me he had an epiphany. And he changed and was becoming a better person. And he kept on repeating that he’s “walking in love” which meant that he was doing every action with love. after he had said all of this. shit went down hill and he hurt me more than I could explain. So I took his phrase “walking in love” and said “walk in love with a loaded gun” and that’s how the concept came together. Through writing this song I realized how strong I was, and how many shots I took, how manipulated I was, I realized so much so I put it all in the song. I wrote this song with my producer Will. And I had told him about the whole situation and we were able to make art out of something traumatic. And as sad as that is it became something so beautiful. With production I was leaning more into a “dramatic” “rock” “bratty” vibe. My producer will was able to capture that attitude from my emotions in the track. My other producer mik and Andy helped add some final touches. And the song turned out incredible.

What did you feel when recording this song? 

My first emotion was anger when I wrote and recorded this track. With every line I was replaying all the memories in my head of how much this person had hurt and betrayed me. Writing this actually helped me understand and heal all the pain and anger that was stored inside me from the situation. Listening back to the track I feel so empowered and strong.

What's your favorite lyric on "loaded gun"? 

My favorite lyric is “I know you liked me more at 17, the less I know the better cause you liked me more naive”.

I remember coming up with that lyric in the studio with will and we both just started freaking out. It’s a sad lyric but it was so real. I  was hesitant at first because I thought it might have been too much or it might make some people upset. But looking back I genuinely believe I was more naive at that age and he had taken advantage of that.

What can you tell us about the visuals for this song? 

I made a lyric video for “loaded gun” in my room. I wanted this lyric video to really focus on the lyrics and my expressions to get the true message across. I wanted it to be serious but also “bratty” and comedic in a way. So I set up my tripod and did a bunch of different takes with different emotions showing how I felt for each lyric. And I edited and cut it up and it turned out exactly how I imagined.

What message do you want to deliver through your music? 

I want listeners to take what they can out of my music. I wrote “loaded gun” from a super personal experience that I went through. But someone else who listens might relate in a completely different way. And that’s okay. Because truly I don’t want anyone to have felt the way I felt. I was in a lot of pain from my situation and I hope that no one has to go through that. But there was a difference from writing the song and listening back. Once I heard the song back I felt a sense of empowerment. Like I was taking my strength back after feeling so weak. And that’s a good feeling so I hope people can feel that.

What can you tell us about your upcoming album? What different topics are you talking about on this album? 

“DRAMA QUEEN” is a concept album I’ve been working on for about 6 months. I’ve always been a people pleaser my whole life. But after my situation with my ex I felt like I was going into what I like to call an “angry phase” each song talks about how I was feeling through that phase. There are songs about, not feeling myself, coping in the wrong way, reminiscing over past loves, betrayal, realization and forgiveness. This album touches almost every stage of a “broken heart”.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

I would love to see more real live performances, I feel like everything is digital or on social media. But there’s a difference when you see an artist live. You can feel their emotions when there’s that energy of them performing.

As an artist, how's it like to live in a city like Vegas? 

I moved to Vegas 3 years ago when I had just really started my solo journey in music. I’m actually blessed my family decided to move to Vegas. I was 17 with no friends, so all I could do was make music in my room. And that’s all I did for about a year. And I made a song everyday. I started making friends and became a part of a big music scene. I met a lot of beautiful talented people who helped me grow into a better artist. The only down side is that I met one man who ruined a lot of that for me. And a lot of this album is about him in particular. Which I can say I’m thankful for that because of the art I was able to create. Now I’ve built connections with venues in Vegas and now I’m started to perform more shows which is amazing.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

As young as I am I feel like I’m 30 mentally. I feel like I’ve been through a lot as a 19 year women. But I’ve learned so much. My biggest life lesson would probably be to guard yourself especially when you have value. People see value, more than people can see who you truly are. Protect your light. Ive learned the hard of how easy it is for someone to dim it.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

That’s a loaded question. I have a lot of things I want to do to better the world. My motto is “Kure the world”.

When I was 6 years old I wrote my first song. I wrote it about my oldest sister when she run away from home. I watched my parents crumble and lose hope. So I wrote a song about keeping hope. And I remember going down to my dad’s office and singing him and my mom the song. And watching both of them tear up. I hate seeing my parents cry but this was a different feeling. I felt as though a flame inside of me sparked. And I realized that my words hold a type of power strong enough to make someone cry. From that day forward I knew I could somehow help people with my words. 

To cure the world takes a lot. But my first step is to help people through my music.  I genuinely make music for my own outlet. But every time I listen back I feel like someone else is talking to me. And telling me what’s going on in my mind. It’s hard for me to explain how I’m feeling most of the time. So my music is for people who feel the same way.

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