Matilde G

Matilde G is an Italian singer/songwriter based in Singapore. In 2019, she released her debut single “The Distance”. Now 17 years old, Matilde G has reached millions of streams on Spotify and Youtube with her previous singles. She’s now releasing her new empowering single “Hypocrite”. Co-written with Isak Alvendal, Karl-Oskar Gummesson and Josefin Glenmark, “Hypocrite” is an anthem for anyone who’s ever been mistreated. Matilde G definitely delivered a smash with this new single.

“Hypocrite” is now available everywhere.

Photo credit: Alessia Bulani

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hi, Better Music! I’m Matilde G, an Italian pop singer-songwriter and performer based in Singapore. I’ve always loved singing, for longer than I can remember. I was pretty good at singing but I was shy and had no stage presence. That’s when I wrote my first song around the age of 13 and decided that this was what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life. I worked extremely hard in improving my weaknesses and strengths. That brought me to where I am today, achieving my goals one by one, learning and experiencing this life as a singer more and more every day, loving it more and more every day. 

What did you grow up listening to? 

When I was young I was OBSESSED with Adele. Although her songs are all very sad, I loved them! “Rolling in the Deep” is the song that got me into music!

When did you know you could sing? 

It came naturally - learning to talk and sing at the same time. My parents are not musicians and they definitely can’t sing. It just came to me, an inner desire to express myself through music. 

Growing up, who did you look up to?

Queen and Lady Gaga are in my opinion the best and most epic performers and songwriters. They are charismatic, full of energy, passion, dedication, and most importantly, they always have a lot to say, which is what makes them so legendary. 

When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I was 13 years old when I started writing simple songs.  It was my special way to express myself and connect with people. My songs are to this day my secret diary, it’s my way of getting all my emotions out, and staying sane… 

How did things change for you since the release of your first single in 2019?

I defined my style as a songwriter and singer. My first songs were simpler - as they should be when you're 14 years old. With time I experienced life and its different sounds. I found my sound with “Digging For Diamonds” (which reached 3 million views on YouTube). With my next releases, I’m going to be talking more and more about myself and my emotions and trying to help people feel related to and less alone. 

"Hypocrite" is your first single of 2023 - what made you want to release "Hypocrite" as the first single of the year? 

Honestly, I just love this song so much that I wanted to release it ASAP! 

What's the story behind "Hypocrite"? 

Being in very trash relationships where I wasn’t respected or treated correctly. I started wondering if I was doing something wrong. I felt bad because I didn’t know why I deserved to be treated like this by boys. That’s when it hit me. I’m not the problem, if these people aren’t happy with themselves they can’t make you happy. I realized that other people’s actions don’t define who I am, only me and my actions define who I am. In response to that, I came out of this situation stronger than ever, ready to live my life to its fullest, knowing that I’m not the wrong one, but these hypocritical people that are all talk and no actions are. "Hypocrite" is an anthem for people like me, that haven’t been treated correctly. It's an encouragement to move on and be happy knowing that we don’t need toxic people in our lives, we only need ourselves.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it? 

I actually went all the way to Sweden for this song. I went to The Kennel AB studios in Stockholm to write together with Isak Alvendal, Karl-Oskar Gummesson, and Josefin Glenmark. I felt like writing an angry song. I wanted a powerful melody to scream to when you're happy or pissed or just want to yell! That’s when Hypocrite came out! It was such a wonderful experience with such talented people tagging along on this journey!

What's your favorite lyric on "Hypocrite"? 

“Saying I’m a habit

You can’t quit  - You hypocrite

Well, crash and burn,

Hell I won’t care at all”


What do you want people to feel when listening to this song? 

I want people to feel understood. To feel like they can relate, and sing along to my song. 

You are based in Singapore - how does it impact the music you are making today? 

To be honest I absolutely love staying in Singapore. It has impacted my music a lot, if I didn’t live here and didn’t experience life as I did in Singapore I probably would have never written the songs I wrote. My music would have been very different in style, and meaning, and my musical project would have probably been completely different as well. 

What does singing make you feel? 

It makes me feel free. Free to talk about what I want to talk about, free to express myself how I like best through my singing and songs. It makes me feel good about myself. Many times things like social media show only certain aspects of people’s lives. My songs are the only things that represent who I am at 100%. I’m not the best communicator when it comes to posts on Instagram and TikTok. I should start posting more about my everyday life! 

But when it comes to my songs, it’s me, Matilde G, and if you listen close enough you’ll get to know me in about the time span of 3 minutes! 

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

I’ve received all sorts of incredible advice. But what I realized is that you can get all the advice in the world, but if you're not in the right mindset first, and if you don’t figure out how to use that advice to your advantage, it’s useless. 

I believe that everyone has something to give. It’s just about listening and understanding. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

Fewer hypocrites would make this world magnificent! Hypocrites are the worst people in my opinion because they criticize others for certain actions and then do the exact thing they were so offended by. 

What are your goals for 2023? 

My goal for 2023 and for every upcoming year, is to make as many people as possible feel less alone and more understood through my music. It’s a problem I have myself, and music has always been there to understand me and keep me company! I wish for everyone to see that beauty and make use of the power music has. 

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