It’s crazy how KTJ & CARLY evolved since their debut single “Almost True”. I’m so proud of them for keeping experiencing new sounds and for getting more and more confidence in themselves. Their music is only getting better and bigger. Their latest EP Ego Death was impressive and they brilliantly introduced their pop/rock records without losing their soulful vocals and influences.

Their latest single “Nice Guy But” is out now, and it is another banger. It’s sassy, fun, empowering, powerful and straightforward. KTJ & CARLY are only getting started. More stuff coming soon, but for now, let’s stream “NGB” on repeat !

Photo credit: Curly

"Nice Guy But" is your latest single - what's the inspiration/story behind this song?

My friends, Carly and I describe a lot of our dates as NGB’s.

“How did your date go yesterday?”
“He was kind of an NGB,” we say.
“Don’t get me wrong, he's such a nice guy... but:
“He wouldn’t let me get my work done,”
“He is overtly obsessed with his mother,”
“He wouldn’t stop talking about himself,”
“He said sly comments that made me feel like I’m not enough for him.”

Following the “but” always varies, but there is always a but.

I was seeing this guy who was a love bomber. Long story short, I caught him in a huge lie, so I told him I needed time to assess where to go from there. But that didn’t stop him from not leaving me alone, gaslighting me, saying that I’m too young and ignorant to know the difference between my left and right. He sent me novels and even videos of himself giving empty apologies for the next three weeks. He was the perfect example of a nice guy but. Underneath the mask, he wasn’t nice at all.

I had always wanted to use the saying in a song, and after this experience we decided to go into our next session ready to write about NGB’s. We’ve all had our own unique experiences with NGB’s, and one definition of NGB may differ from another. At the end of the day, we can all agree that they just aren’t it. - KTJ

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? When did you start working on it? Who helped you create it?

We wrote this song with our friend and co-writer Anh Le AKA Êmia. All we had was the bass riff from the song. After a few hours of the three of us just talking about life, we actually started writing the song and it came together pretty effortlessly. KT & I didn’t start producing it until shortly after we wrote it where the song really transformed into a punky feel. We recorded the guitar first and then added drums as the final touch... usually we work the other way around but every song is different! - Carly

What's your favorite lyric on "Nice Guy But"?

“Then I should listen to my friends and therapist” is my favorite lyric. It's a testament to the people who surround us with love and care for us. The friends and family who will look out for us at every turn. - Carly

My favorite lyrics are probably “it's about time that he learned his lesson, I’m already gone,” which contrasts with the first pre-chorus where we take responsibility for something that was on the NGB. My other favorite line is the bridge “Next time that he sees me he’ll be filled with regret cus he knows deep down that I’m the best that he’ll ever get.” - KTJ

What can you tell us about the artwork?

We went through a lot of different versions of the art but at the end of the day stuck with this one. It sorta feels like its similar to a diary cover, and this song feels like a diary entry of sorts. - Carly

How did your sound evolve over the years?

It’s evolved a ton. I think more than anything, we just feel more confident in ourselves, and I think that alone can affect someones sound tremendously. It can be scary jumping head first into the music industry with little to no experience. But the more times goes by, the more we just do it to enjoy ourselves and have meaningful connections to the music we make. Over the past three years, I’d say we have come into our own a bit more. When we started, I feel like we were really inspired by EDM/Pop but lately, I feel like Rock/Pop has been the root of our musical inspiration. There is always a bit of the same sound from when we started, but everyday as we change, so does our sound. It will most likely continue to change as we grow as artists and human beings. - Carly

The more and more we write and the more music we discover we continuously change our sound. As we grow, so does our music. It sounded so different in the beginning, and it will sound very different in the years to come. - KTJ

You recently toured in the West Coast - how would you describe this first experience? Any favorite memories?

I had the greatest time. I already want to do it all over again. I loved the shows so much. The San Francisco show was really fun... We opened for Reina Del Cid and the crowd there was so great. Meeting everyone not only there, but along the road. My favorite show was probably the Chop Suey show in Seattle. I felt like our performance just felt really fun, we had a great time with the other bands too. The venue was super cool too, with lots of abstract art. One of my favorite memories on tour would have to be when one of the late nights we were driving, we decided to pull off and find a cabin to sleep in. We were in north California at this point and theres a lot of cute little cabins you can stay in. Every place seemed to be closed and we started to get worried. My phone finally found service and I saw one place that was closing soon. We ended up being the only ones staying there in the place. When we woke up in the morning, we went outside to the porch of the cabin and saw a beautiful view of Shasta Lake. -Carly

It was incredible, and I’m so grateful we were able to experience such a beautiful journey. I loved all of the venues and crowds, but Brick and Mortar in SF was probably my favorite. Aside from playing shows, my favorite memory was waking up to the most beautiful views of a lake and mountains after stopping by a random lot of cabins at 12AM on our way to Seattle. We had no idea how beautiful it was, as it was dark out. It was peaceful and profound. - KTJ

What can we expect to hear/see from you next? What are you working on?

We are working on a new EP currently and just writing non-stop. We also have a music video coming soon for NGB. :) - Carly

We have been writing a bunch of new stuff, and will hopefully release another EP soon aside from our music video for NGB. - KTJ

How's it like to be women in the music industry? What message do you want to give to women out there?

Honestly, it’s fun. When you first start out and find that its mostly men producing, it can be intimidating. But the second you are sure of yourself, your talent, and your sound, the noises that are people not taking you seriously, or not believing in your art begin to fade away. There’s always some people who won’t take us seriously as producers because we are women. They feel the need to constantly mansplain to you how music works like they invented it... but who would want to work with them anyways? If you're a woman and you want to be a producer or any other male dominated industry, do it. Because it is FUN and so soul fulfilling. No one can really stop you except yourself. And everyone who tries... can be proved wrong. :) We never work with any who makes us feel like that a second time. I mean, it’s literally 2022... haven't we learned already that women are badass? If they don’t see that... then bye! - Carly

Ever since TikTok blew up, more and more women everyday have been making their voices heard in the industry and it’s been such a beautiful thing to see.

It took a lot longer to earn respect from a lot of producers/peers growing up. I remember once in high school I was in a production class and I was a part of the 3-5% of women in the class. We were split into groups, and I was the only girl, which was very isolating and intimidating. I waited patiently until it was my turn to produce our project, and before I could even sit down, they began to mansplain on how to select something with my cursor... I ignored it, and they were astonished that I knew how to use a keyboard. At one point, we were trying to figure out a change of progression for the chorus. I knew exactly where it needed to go, but they kept shutting me down. If it wasn’t for our instructor stepping in and telling them I was onto something and to listen, then the song wouldn’t have had a badass chorus and I wouldn’t have been a part of it at all. I don’t think they were intentionally being misogynistic, but it was.

My message to the women of the world is to never be afraid to take up space in a room. Of course be kind, but don’t be nice to people who disrespect you. People who don’t respect you do not deserve your time and genius. Never give up based on the words of a NGB. They are projecting their own insecurities. It could very well have something to do with the idea of a girl being better than them at something is rock bottom for them.

It makes me think of the Always commercial “Run like a Girl.”


As more female producers arise and stand in their power, the more the dynamic shifts. No matter what industry you want to be in, don’t hold back just because you are one of the few girls there. If anything, go full speed ahead and show them what it's like to “run like a girl.”

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