little luna

little luna has just released her new EP through the self and it takes us on a beautiful healing journey.

This project offers different colors. The opening song “last time” is a catchy song that features artist Josh Fudge. “under the wave” is probably the most unique and refreshing song on this project. “the glass” is a song I deeply connect with. “roads” is beautifully written and it delivers an empowering message. Two tracks caught my attention: “thief” and “forest (guided meditation)”. “thief” is the best song on this project (in my opinion). It is incredible. “forest” is important. As someone who meditates on a daily basis, having a guided meditation track on this EP is one of the best ideas I’ve ever heard.

Congrats little luna on this amazing project and thank you for the chat.

through the self is out now :)

Photo credit: Freddy Tyler Paul

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

hi! thank you for having me. little luna is the story of me re-discovering my truest self, & doing it in real time with you by releasing music. the introspective lyrics, the 70s aesthetic, & the music videos directed by me are a look into my mind right now. i know how freeing and fulfilling shedding the layers of who i was / who i thought i should be, paired with stepping into who i am in this current moment, is, & i want to offer whoever listens to my music (or upcoming guided meditation) that.

through the self is your new EP - what's the inspiration behind this project?

i was making my vision board for 2021 & while meditating, that phrase came to me! i don’t know how to properly describe that this project is just me, in real life, figuring out my life, ha! in that moment i knew it was the title for the EP, & that i needed to start collecting the songs for it. all of the tracks but one had already been written at that point, but i realized i didn’t want them to just come out one at a time as singles. as a music lover myself, i personally enjoy clicking track one on an artists album, & listening the whole way through. there’s a reason the songs on the EP are in the order they are in, and i wanted to offer that option of art consumption to my listeners.

What did you feel when writing "last time"?

“last time” was the first song that Matt Pauling, Sierra Deaton, and I created together; magic ensued. i try to be intentional with my rising rituals (taking time in the morning to meditate, read, create, ect) before the day starts, and while doing that i read a passage in “Untamed“ by Glennon Doyle, that really spoke to me. i took it into the studio that day, & serendipitously enough, Sierra had a similar idea that morning that she wanted to bring to the session. Matt started creating guitar parts, & Sierra & I dove into the lyrical themes of not being a people pleaser anymore. it felt so empowering to write this song with two people who i felt truly saw me, & understood what i wanted to communicate.

What made you want to include a guided meditation track on this EP? (great idea btw !!)

practicing meditation has been one of the main ways i’ve connected to my truest self; who i am in this current moment rather than who i’ve/ life has conditioned myself to be. there are many ways to meditate & i am no expert, but because of the fruit it has grown in my life, i couldn’t not share it, as i mentioned earlier, my music is just my own journey on display, in real time. i have been teaching yoga for years, & have offered this guided meditation to friends & other artists along the way, & now it is yours! whether you are an avid meditator, or someone who has tried it and felt like they “couldn’t” or it “didn’t work”, i hope the 25min of “forest” will offer you a safe space to be at ease, & breathe.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this EP?

free to be themselves, whoever they are in that very moment.

What can you tell us about the visuals for this EP?

“through the self” EP art was styled by me, Glam by Kristen Gill, Photographed by Sarah Eiseman & Edited by Jade Ehelrs & Izzy Lux. the music videos for “under the wave” & “the glass” were both directed and produced by yours truly, & i believe take you on a journey where perhaps you will connect with your self! for each song i write, i usually see a color while we’re creating it. when it comes time for the music video, i make that color the color pallet to base as much as i can, off of. when you watch the videos on my YouTube Channel you’ll see that “under the wave” is green, & “the glass” is purple. Gabe Kimpson is my DP who shoots all of my music videos, & truly a co-creator. i am so grateful for everyone i have mentioned in this paragraph, as an independent artist my visuals would not be what they are without these incredible humans!

How’s it like to be a woman in the music industry? What advice would you give to women?

honestly i haven’t been in it for long…i released my first song “shift & go” & it’s music video a year & a half ago! there is so much i could speak to overall as i have been in the entertainment industry since i was a kid, but my best advice (that i continually give to myself) is listen to your gut. trust it. take action from that place.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

there are things that need to change in the music industry, & there are also things that need to change within myself. the macro and the micro both evolving, both reflections of each other.

How did yoga and meditation change your life?

a deeper self- understanding; clarity for any decisions you're trying to make, a more peaceful state of being, when to push yourself & when to rest, dealing with & healing from past hurts, & an overall appreciation for being alive that day.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

your mindset creates your reality!

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