Emma Peterson

I’ve been discovering more and more Canadian country artists and it’s been refreshing to hear their music. Emma Peterson has just released her debut project titled Just For The Record.

The 6-track record is about being independent and relationships. With the help of Murray Pulver and David Thomson, the country artist created a beautiful project that fuses timeless melodies, an honest storytelling and catchy tunes.

To celebrate the release of her debut record, Peterson will be going on tour later this month. Click here for more infos.

Just For The Record is out now !!

Photo credit: @vanheyst.photography

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hi there! My name is Emma Peterson and I'm a country singer-songwriter from Manitoba. I grew up in the small town of Winnipegosis, where we have no street lights and had no cell service until a couple years ago! Most recently I finished my nursing degree. I feel like music and nursing are in a way connected - in both areas you are making personal connections with other! I think that is really special.

You've just released your debut record Just For The Record - how does it feel like?

A mix of excitement and nerves! I couldn't be more proud of this body of work and I hope it connects with others!

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this project? When did you start working on it? Who helped you create it?

My songwriting process is never the same, but it usually started with me thinking of an idea and writing it in my notes app or recording it on voice memos. I love to go for drives to help me clear my head and think about song ideas! Murray Pulver has been a big part of the creation of most of the songs on the record. He has helped me find my sound, while also not losing myself in the process! David Thomson produced the title track 'Just For The Record' - this was my first time working with him and I couldn't be happier with the final product!

What different topics are you talking about on this project?

I feel like this project is a capsule of the start of my transition of moving away from home and being independent. Songs like "Backroad Dreams" reminisce to times when you made plans for your life and realizing sometimes things don't work out! "One More Night" is about being in a relationship where someone is working away and wanting to spend more time with them.

What was the biggest challenge when you were making Just For The Record? And what was your favorite part?

For me the biggest challenge was navigating everything that comes with the creation and release of an album! Being an independent artist, I do most on my own! It is always a learning process when creating something new! But I am so happy with how it turned out. My favorite part was seeing the final product and hearing all of the songs come to life!

What did you learn about yourself after finishing this project?

Finishing this project made me learn about who I am as an artist and what I want to say.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

I am super proud of the artwork for the album! I got to work with an all female team on this image/style of this record! For me, it is really important to have women on my team. I am super proud of how it turned out!

What's your goal for this project?

My goal for this project was to create something that can resonate with others! I want listeners to feel good when hearing this album!

How's it like to be a country artist in Canada? How's the country scene out there?

I am very grateful to be a country artist in Canada. The community here is so welcoming and kind. I have surrounded myself with good people who are so supportive. I am very thankful!

What does singing make you feel?

Singing has always been a huge part of my life. I started vocal lessons at a young age and have been a part of musical theatre competitions, kids theatre groups. That turned into teaching myself to play guitar and writing stories of my own. singing has always been an outlet for me to be my true self.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part about being an artist has been learning about the music industry. Coming from a small town of 600 people and 4 hours away from the largest city, it was hard for me at the beginning to try and figure out what I was doing. Luckily I met some great artists who have been so kind and showed me the way!

The best part about being an artist is making music. I don't know how to properly describe the feeling of hearing a song go from just me and my guitar to full production!

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I think the music industry is always evolving and growing each day! One great thing about the pandemic is it has shown how versatile artists can be to continue to engage with their audiences.

What advice would you give to artists out there?

Be yourself. It took a while for me to realize just how important that is. We are all on our own journey and no-one has a story like yours!

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

More kindness. Being a nurse in the pandemic and trying to finish an album has been quite the ride. I don't think there can ever be too much kindness to go around. One kind gesture towards someone can go such a long way. You never know what someone is going through!

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

My biggest life lesson that I have learned is to be happy where I am right now. I feel like we spend a lot of time looking ahead and forget to live in the moment. My goal is to enjoy each day as they come and be grateful for this life!

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