Maddie Regent

Canadian artist Maddie Regent has just revealed her newest single “Sleeptalking”.
With the help of partner, producer and songwriter Cade Hoppe and additional production from Harper James of Eighty Ninety, the singer/songwriter created a dazzling single.

”Sleeptalking is about wanting to be happy about something you should be happy about, but you aren’t. “And the longer you avoid confrontation, the more you wish for things to go south so your unhappiness feels justified. It’s classic self-sabotage and you know it,” she says.

The NYC-based artist will continue to deliver more music, stay tuned !

“Sleeptalking” is now available on all streaming platforms.

Photo credit: Anna Koblish

Hi Maddie, how are you? Could you please introduce yourself? What's your story?

Hi! My name is Maddie Regent and I’m originally from Toronto, Canada but currently live in Brooklyn with my boyfriend, Cade Hoppe. I’ve always loved music, but it wasn’t until I graduated college that I had the courage to start pursuing it as a career. It’s definitely been a journey! I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression my whole life and making music is a way for me to channel all of those pent up emotions into something productive. My hope is that my music can resonate with people who, like me, sometimes feel really alone and different.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the release of your EP Girl of Your Dreams?

I’m so proud of Girl of Your Dreams because it was the first project I made with my main collaborator and partner, Cade Hoppe. It pushed me outside of my comfort zone because of how experimental we were while making it. I’ve realized that the songs that scare you most are the ones you need to release. For example, “Ruining” received such a great reception but I almost didn’t even put it out! I’m really proud of myself for just going for it and pushing myself with that EP.

"Sleeptalking" is your new single - what's the story behind this song?

“Sleeptalking” is a song about avoiding your emotions and shying away from having hard conversations when things get tough. You feel like everything should be perfect, but it’s not, and you’re scared of having to face the situation head on. You don’t want to hurt someone so you push all of your emotions down and hope they’ll somehow just get the message.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this new single? When did you start working on it?

Cade and I made the song in our home studio in Brooklyn. We started with some light production that had a sort of sad yet hopeful feeling, and sort of inspired the song’s story. The lyric “I’m sleepwalking about a girl in the Wild West” was a lyric that really helped to shape the narrative. I liked the idea that in your dreams you can be anywhere else but in the moment with this person who is sleeping right next to you. It’s the kind of dramatic storytelling that I love.

How's it like to work with Cade Hoppe?

Making art with your partner is a really unique experience, and I feel really lucky to be able to do so. Sometimes when I’m struggling to put what I’m feeling into words he can help me out because he just knows me so well. It allows me to be 100% honest in the studio as I can’t really hide anything from him, and he pushes me to go places I don’t think I would be able to go with any other co-writer. Cade is also one of the most talented musicians I know. It’s been an honor to watch him grow as a producer. I’m genuinely so proud of the work we’ve done together. It’s so rewarding to make beautiful things with someone you love and admire — it sounds so mushy, but it’s so true!

What made you want to release "Sleeptalking" as a single?

While my last EP, Girl of Your Dreams, was more of a heavy electro-pop vibe, “Sleeptalking” has a bit more of an alternative and organic feel to it that I’m really loving. It was one of the first songs Cade and I made together after we’d finished Girl of Your Dreams, and it really helped dictate where we were going to try and go with my new music. I love the imagery of the song and how whimsical it feels. I’m so excited to be sharing it!

What's your favorite lyric on "Sleeptalking"?

You’re the stranger in my bed tonight.” It just says so much… (laughs).

What can you tell us about the artwork?

In keeping with the “sleep” theme, I’m laying on a luxurious bed while in nature. I shot the artwork with the lovely Anna Koblish in her parents’ backyard. They had bunk beds they were getting rid of so we carried them out into the woods and shot the photos there. I think it really sums up the whole feel of the song. I can’t wait to share more photos from the shoot across my next few releases too!

What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it?

I hope when people listen to this song they can kind of escape a little. I know firsthand how noisy it can feel in your head when you’re stressing about work or relationships. I want people to know it’s going to be okay and they will figure it out, even if it doesn’t happen immediately. It’s okay to just vibe a little first!

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

I think the hardest part is feeling like you have to explain what you’re doing to people who don’t understand. I’ve gotten better at it for sure though. I’m also incredibly lucky to have supportive friends and family, and that really makes all the difference.

The best part is being able to connect with people all around the world. I love receiving messages from people who have connected with my music in some way. It literally makes my day when I get those messages. I’m not really focused on the numbers as much as I am on the individuals, and it’s so much more rewarding to have that mindset. I’ve met some really cool people through making music and that’s really all I’ve ever wanted.

Photo credit: Anna Koblish

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

The music industry has always been a tough world to navigate, but I think if you stay positive and work hard, nothing is impossible. If I could change anything, I’d change the perception that there isn’t room for everyone because I think that’s extremely false. I think every one of our voices matter and there’s space for all of us to succeed, especially among female artists! I’d love to see people lifting each other up more!

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place?

Honestly, I think people take things way too seriously and we need to start laughing at ourselves more! Life would be so much more fun if we could just admit and embrace our mistakes instead of doubling down because we don’t want to be wrong.

What can we expect to hear/see next?

You can expect to hear lots of new music this year and next year! I’m so excited to share this new sound and project!

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