Julia Raye

Julia Raye has just dropped her latest single “Give You Up”. Produced by Bret Mazur and Dalton Cyr, the pop/r&b single delivers catchy p melodies and mesmerizing harmonies.

It’s a song about that one guy who you know is bad for you but you can’t help falling for. You can really hear the range of emotions play out in real time. It’s confident, sassy, fun, and honest,” she says.

More music coming out this fall !

”Give You Up” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: Bailey Ann

Hi Julia, how are you? Could you please introduce yourself? What's your story?

Hi! I’m Julia Raye and I’m a singer and songwriter from Rockville Centre, New York! I recently graduated from the University of Michigan where I studied vocal performance with the Grammy Award winner and Metropolitan Opera alumnus George Shirley.

Do you remember your earliest musical memory?

My earliest musical memory is listening to The Beatles in the car with my dad and sister on our way to pre-school. We would sing along every morning!

When did you know you could sing?

When I was in fourth grade my music teacher asked the class if we would be interested in participating in the New York State School Music Association Festival where you sing for a panel of judges and they give you a score. I did it and despite not having much musical experience, I received a perfect score! I absolutely loved the experience I had performing there, so I started taking voice lessons and continued to participate every year from then on!

Do you remember a specific time in your life where music made a huge impact?

Music has always played a huge role in my life. I first joined choir in fourth grade and I remember feeling transfixed by the magnetic energy I felt when we would create harmonies together. I loved every second of it and I knew it was a feeling I wanted to continue to chase for the rest of my life.

"Give You Up" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song?

I wrote “Give You Up” about a summer fling. I was seeing this guy at the time but there were all of these rumors that he was involved with someone else. I wasn’t sure if it was true or not, but I remember feeling like I just couldn’t give him up yet. It’s a song about knowing that someone is bad for you but you’re still falling for them and you don’t want to quit just yet. You can really hear the range of emotions play out in real time on this song. It’s confident, sassy, fun, and honest!

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this new single? When did you start working on it? Who helped you create it?

I started working on this song while I was at my waitressing job. I was thinking about the relationship I was in and I just kept thinking to myself, “I don’t want to give him up,” which led to the chorus of “Give You Up”: “I don’t want to give you up, I ain’t never been a fighter.” I began recording the melody while I was behind the bar at work and within a week it has blossomed into a full blown chorus.

I then sat down with my producers Bret Mazur and Dalton Cyr and we changed the melody a bit, added a different beat, and started to create something a bit more uptempo. It turned into a really fun dance song. It was so fun to record too — we lowered the lights in the studio and had this vibe-y mood lighting. I just kept stacking on more harmonies and ad libs until the song became what it is now.

When did you know "Give You Up" had to be a single?

I knew immediately once I started writing it that it was going to be something special. There was just something about the song. It’s so honest and real, yet it has this sassy, fun energy as well. It’s one of those songs that you just want to belt out in the car. It’s definitely my favorite song I’ve released so far!

What can you tell us about the artwork?

I wanted the artwork to be reflective of the song itself. My little sister and I drove to the beach in her blue jeep one night and shot a bunch of polaroid photos. We went to dinner after to go through the photos we took and I knew immediately that this picture would be the cover art.

What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it?

I want people to connect with the song and have fun with it! I think a lot of people will be able to relate to the idea of wanting someone who you know you shouldn’t.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The hardest part is definitely just trying to get your music heard. I really want to reach as many people as possible with my music. The best thing about being an artist is getting to wake up everyday and do something that I love. There is nothing more fulfilling than creating something bigger than you. I think art is so special in the way that it allows you to connect with people on such a deep level.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I think one of my frustrations with the music industry is the focus on following trends as opposed to nurturing and curating artists’ talent. So many new songs are so short and lack a bridge. I would love to see the industry shift and focus more on the expression of musical artistry as opposed to these short catchy hooks.

Photo credit: Bailey Ann

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today?

I’m very inspired by Ariana Grande and Beyoncé. I take a lot of musical influence from the records they put out.

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place?

I think better worldwide access to education would definitely make the world a better place!

What can we expect to hear/see next?

I have so much new music that I’ll be releasing this fall! I’m so excited to continue to share my music!

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