Marianna Frenzel

I instantly fell in love with Marianna Frenzel’s debut single. If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with those nostalgic pop records. I’m a big fan of that early 2000’s pop music and Frenzel exactly delivered that. She combined her own modern pop sound with the pop/rock we all used to listen to. “You Know Where I’ll Be” is catchy and captivating. Definitely a promising talent. I cannot wait to see what she’s going to offer next.

“You Know Where I’ll Be” is available now on all major streaming platforms !!

Photo credit: @tornblackjeans

Hi Marianna, how are you? What's your story? 

Hi I’m really good thank you so much for asking and interviewing me.  I’m so excited and nervous I can’t wait for everyone to hear my song ‘You Know Where I’ll Be’!  This song means so much to me.  Since I was 11 I knew I wanted to be a songwriter and a singer and I didn’t feel like I had a lot good role models to look up to in the music industry and I want use my experiences and to release songs that help people by sharing what I’ve gone through.  

What did you grow up listening to?

You know funny enough, I wasn’t allowed to listen to mainstream music on the radio except for what was on Disney channel and in musicals until I was like 14!  So I grew up listening to a lot of high school musical, camp rock, Hannah Montana, Selena Gomez and the scenes, Jesse Mccartney, Cheetah Girls, Jonas Brothers, Hilary Duff, Aly & AJ.  So basically whatever was on Disney channel during commercials, (laughs).  

Do you remember your earliest musical memory? 

Watching sound of music i remember being really impressionable on me.  I love Julie Andrews!  and also playing piano growing up really developed my ear and love for music.  

When did you know you could sing? 

Actually I remember my first time ever trying out for choir when i was 11 and something inside me being so overwhelmed by how much I loved it but at the time since I wasn’t allowed to listen to any popular music I thought that being a singer wasn’t a real job, we were just doing it cause it was like a music class in school, or I also thought you could only be a singer if you were in a movie or on Disney channel and the songs were just part of the movie.

When did you realize you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

When I saw the last scene in The Lizzie Mcguire movie for the first time something literally clicked in me and when I watched her as a middle schooler performing in front of a whole stadium in front of her friends as a normal kid I remember turning to my mom and saying ‘wait you can do this as a real job’????? and then of course the food gates were opened when a year or two after high school musical came out and camp rock and the Hannah Montana movie and everything just clicked and I was like i literally want to do that and it’s never changed. So honestly i owe Hilary Duff a huge thank you.  

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

My Grandma.  Hands down the most supportive person in my whole life.  I’m doing this for her and my grandpa.  

You've just released your debut single "You Know Where I'll Be" - how does it feel like to release this song? 

I’m barely processing it.  I’m so grateful, you know i’ve been waiting my whole life for this, to be able to do this.  And it’s taken a really long time to get to this point and I just keep having to remind myself to stop being so hard on myself and be proud of myself for not giving up.  I’m so beyond excited for everyone to hear the song and I hope it speaks to people in different ways and I’m so excited for everyone to hear what I have in store for the next songs, and for the music video which comes out in two weeks!!  I’ve been editing it on my own and I directed it as well, we shot it in 8 locations and i’m very excited for everyone to see all the visual themes running through it and it represent the meaning behind ‘You know where i’ll be’ even more.  

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? When did you start working on it? 

I wrote it March of 2023 after coming off of dating this guy and what I went through with him was really painful.  It very much was right person wrong timing, and therefore really hard to process of and grieve especially when I had no closure in that situation.  I knew it wasn’t the right relationship for me because he wasn’t ready and so didn’t want to wait for him to be ready but in other ways if he was ready and there wasn’t so much healing to do you feel like everything else is exactly what you’re looking for.  And what I really wanted to convey in this song is to encourage people to not wait for someone to be ready for the relationship and not let them hold you back but to leave and go after your light and grow and if later on in life the timing aligns it’ll on be because he also grew and met you where you are at.  Meaning, he knows where you’ll be and he can come and find you if he works on himself and makes the timing before it’s too late, otherwise you’re leaving and moving on and going after what’s best for you.   

What did you feel when recording "You Know Where I'll Be"? 

I felt my own sense of closure and hope that if I could gain this perspective coming out of this awful painful time I had in this relationship and be stronger because of it and learn and grow from it, then I should use this song and my music to help others to do the same, which is the whole purpose why I felt God was calling me to do music since I was 11.  

What made you want to release "You Know Where I'll Be" as your debut single? 

I wanted people be encouraged to choose themselves.  I had to choose myself time and time again when no one chose me or believed in me, not even my own family and friends growing up.  And for the people who feel alone to know that choosing yourself isn’t selfish.  No one is going to love you more than you love yourself.  And the more you love yourself, it shows others how you also want to be loved.  And so to put that into the context of a relationship, I wanted my first song represent that in love and relationships as well.  That sometimes the best way to love yourself and someone else is to love them from afar because we can’t make someone change all we can control is ourselves and sometimes people need that time to learn what it means to love themselves and it important we give ourselves that time as well and love others but also choose to love ourselves just as much.  

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

Oh my gosh!!! The artwork is my favorite thing ever!  It’s very much inspired by aquamarine and h20 inspired by 2000s editorial magazine shoots.  Since I make 2000s inspired pop music, I wanted to really encapsulate that in the photo.  And the theme behind the water washing over me is like a coming of age, washing away my pain, becoming new from what hurt me and was holding me back.  In other words, washing away the darkness so I can run into the light!  And the other thing is too, like in Aquamarine when she was told you can stay human and marry who you want if you prove to me true love exists and then the storms will stop and I’ll set you free.  And I wanted my ending to be that i proved true love existed by finally learning how to love myself.   And once that happened the water didn’t pull me back into the ocean it cleansed me and set me free, and the storms calmed and I finally was encompassed by light.  :)

What's your goal for this first song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it? 

My goal is that I hope people are able to listen to it and take it in in a way that relates to them.  I really tried to have be something each person could relate to their life in their own way, and to not feel alone in their experience.  

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today? 

It’s very much a combo of inspire I pull from different genres from the 2000s.  But the for this era Hannah Montana, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, anything that sounds like it could be in an early 00s romcom soundtrack, and we of course can’t forget miss Hilary Duff.  

What does music make you feel? 

Music makes me feel everything.  Like I literally don’t knew how to explain this to you when I say anytime I’m working on my music and able to perform I feel happiness on another level.  I feel so fulfilled and like I’m actually here for a purpose.

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

Honestly the best advice i’ve heard is don’t quit.  Because everyone’s timing is completely different and the people who make it in life are the ones who don’t quit.  Eventually your time will come and you just need to keep believing that things will happen and don’t give up.  

In your opinion, what would make the world a BETTER place? 

For me, knowing my purpose, my relationship with God, quality time, and music.  And obviously Hilary Duff! 

What can we expect to hear/see next? 

You know where I’ll be next?!!!! ;) Well I have another song coming out in a few months!  A music video in two weeks!  A release show sometime end of this summer early fall.  And an EP release soon!  I literally can’t wait to keep sharing more of my music and I’m so grateful to have talked to you today.  Thank you so much for giving me space on your platform, I’m so happy I got to talk with you today! 

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