
I am so happy I got to discover Mistine’s music. She is without a doubt a beautiful talent who has stories to share. She recently released her empowering single “Everett Park”. Co-written with Andy Gannon and Jamison Baken, the song is about creating new beautiful memories in a place that once had sad memories.

Influenced by the 80’s, “Everett Park” feels nostalgic, inspiring and refreshing. It’s the kind of songs you would play in your car while driving into the sunset - that’s what I see when I listen to this song. “Everett Park” is a must listen !

“Everett Park” is out now :)

Photo credit: Reese Brucker

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

Hi, my name is Mistine! I was born in a log cabin in Vermont, grew up in New Jersey, and since college have traveled back and forth to LA. I started playing guitar in third grade after I saw the Carly Simon music video for “With A Few Good Friends.” I played in bands and the Rockit Live Foundation all throughout high school, attended USC’s Thornton School of Music, toured with Conan Gray for over two years, and have been consistently working on honing my voice as my own artist. All I want to do is make music that makes people feel good. I am also very passionate about animals, nature, and creating a sustainable lifestyle.

"Everett Park" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song?

In Everett Park, the transcendent views of downtown Los Angeles preserve the memories of where I began and ended a confusing relationship. This full circle experience evoked the bitter sweet feelings that inspired this record. By exploring the flood of emotions after the break, I am taking back the emotional power by giving this space a new meaning. I want listeners to know that memories cannot rule a space for you. Although this park felt haunted at one time, I brought new friends there to have a picnic and make new memories! Now.. I love going there again! Everyone has a place haunted by memories...Where is your Everett Park?

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? When did you start working on it? Who helped you create it?

I started working on this song in September 2020 over zoom with my dear friend Jamison Baken. We started with the concept of recreating memories and wrote the first verse. Later that day, I sent him a bunch of ideas and then we had another zoom session at a much later date and finished the demo! I then sent it off to the lovely Andy Gannon in Manchester, UK and he finished the production and we tracked all the vocals and guitars over zoom together! Then boom...song! There is a love of space in between all of these sessions because I like to let thoughts marinate over time and then pick them up again when we feel ready.

What did you feel when writing this song?

I felt nostalgic, happy, sad, and empowered...all at the same time.

What's your favorite thing about this single?

My favorite thing about “Everett Park” is that the story came out exactly the way I wanted it to be told. Everything I wanted to say in this song was included and that is a success to me!

What can you tell us about the visuals for this song?

The music video is very much the storybook version of this song and the lyric video is a compilation of all the fun reaction videos! I worked with my dear friend Hannah Kline on the cover art and I think it turned out exactly the way I had imagined....all the flowers and feelings of Everett Park.

What do you want people to feel when listening to this song?

I want people to feel nostalgic and empowered. I want them to wanna blast this song in the car with their friends with the windows down...ideally on a drive to eat ice cream on the beach.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The best part is being able to express yourself in any way you want! And getting to work with other amazing creatives to create something unique that connects with people...people you’ve never met before! Crazy!
The hardest part is remembering to keep going and not give up when you don’t feel like it’s going the way you had hoped. Always keep going.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I wish people put more value on the song itself, instead of worrying about the amount of views or streams. In my opinion, the art and authenticity of the artist should be valued above everything else.

How's it like to be a woman in the music industry? What message would you give to women out there?

Being a woman in the music industry is very powerful. Stay true to yourself. Stand by your values and opinions. Don’t let anyone push you around or try to change you. You are perfect the way you are.

What is the proudest moment of your career so far?

Finishing the EP that this single is apart of! Woohoo!

What does singing make you feel?

Free. Energized. Happy. Connected to others.

What advice would you give to artists out there?

Focus on the small victories. Realizing that small victories are just as important as bigger ones has helped me to get through the tough days and keeps me going.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

I think if people just tried to show a little more kindness everyday, the world would be better. Making a point to think about how someone else feels in each situation. Smiling at a stranger. You never know what someone else is going through. Being able to show a little extra kindness or happiness could change their life...and yours!

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Hmm... There are so many lessons... I think it’s important to remember that all the mistakes in life are what make us who we are and all your imperfections are what make you special. It’s ok to fall, it’s ok to feel weird, it’s ok to feel sad. We are not defined by the low points, but rather how we rise after falling.

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