Niah Steiner

Another incredible talent coming all the way from Denmark. Niah Steiner is one of a kind. A refreshing talent who’s not afraid to take risks in her art. Her latest single “Don’t Ask” is brilliant. Fusing ethereal vocals and captivating melodies, the new record features Jimbo Slice.

Her music is definitely something new and exciting. We need this.

“Don’t Ask” is out now !

Hi Niah, how are you? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. What's your story?

Very well, trying to be balanced and reading more. you? I'm a singer/songwriter born and raised in Milan, and now based in Copenhagen, Danish mom and Italian dad :) My genre is alternative r&b pop, inspired by Billie Eilish, Frank Ocean, Joji & more.

What did you grow up listening to?

Amy Winehouse, I still listen to her all the time, she is God to me. Then I listened to a lot of Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz and Adele.

When did you know you could sing? When did you start writing songs?

Mmm when I was 8 I had this keyboard my mama bought and I started to create random stuff, at 9 I already had like 3/4 songs that I would play on repeat, my first EP you might say (laughs) and two girls from my elementary school joined me doing second voices and such, it was very cute.

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today?

Definitely Billie, her music gave me confidence, she made it ok for whispery singers like me to exist hehe, I feel like it became acceptable, when before there was a lot of expectation for singers to be able to sing loud and do runs etc etc. All the inspiration I get is very much unconscious cause in the months that I create I don't listen to others music, silence helps me creativly. But my favorites in general are: Daniel Caesar, Lola Young, Jorja Smith, and the ones I mentioned before.

"Don't Ask" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song?

Personal experiences, not gonna go in deep, it's that heartbreaking feeling of being betrayed, by people I kinda believed were good. I guess the whole drinking culture also, like the typical phrase "oh but he was drunk" yeah nah, that's not a good enough excuse for me.

When did you start working on "Don't Ask"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song?

Oh hehehe this goes way back, me and Lorenzo wrote "Don't Ask" in 2019, we always start by improvising piano and voice, Lorenzo is a piano prodigy for real. And after we have recorded like 15/20 minutes or more of impro, we cut out the parts we liked. Then Lo makes the beat, I sit on a chair saying yes or no to sounds I like and sounds I don't (laughs) and I write the lyrics. Then the recs, the "worst" part, cause I'm never happy with them, so I recorded this song in 2019, then again in 2021 and again in august 2022, and finally I was 'happy' with them! Last step is the mix and mastering, done by Lo again, he is the master.

What made you want to collaborate with Jimbo Slice on this record?

He was in my same label at the time, and I reaaally liked his voice and his songs, so I wrote to him a looong email about this song and what it was about, and honestly, he couldn't have done a better job, the lyrics are so spot on, and the execution is slay.

What made you want to release "Don't Ask" as a single?

I think it introduces well to the theme of the album, the lyrics are not that specific, but those who know, know.

What can you tell us about your upcoming album?

The album revolves around exploring the complexities of womanhood, reclaiming empowerment and navigating the aftermath of traumatic experiences. Basically all my feminine rage, served like honey, cause my people pleasing is embodied in it still, and that's ok, I'm working on it.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

The doubt, "is it good enough?" I'll get quite often hearing dysmorphia (probably not the right way to call it) where I just suddenty think that all the songs are shit, and the compliments I get are only for pity.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I honestly don't really care, maybe let's all be less competitive and more kind? And please tear down all the rules of how things should and shouldn't sound.

You are based in Copenhagen. How's the music scene out there? Any artists you'd like to recommend?

Oh yeaa, Lowly, I am ooobsessed, and also Brimheim, coolest visuals and sound!! I also really like Ella Augusta, her vulnerable and beautiful voice.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Do it for you, do everything fully for you and release all that passion you have for things. People pleasing is build-in some of us, and that's ok, just try to challenge it when you can. If you feel too uncomfortable just leave, sometimes setting boundaries is not enough, it's just not it. Ask more follow-up questions when talking to people, you'll both get so much more from that conversation <3

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

Normalizing that we all need to work on some sort of trauma, people who don't heal are so fucking dangerous.

What message do you want to deliver through your art?
mm 'Hi everyone, I'm angry'.

What makes you happy?
Doing all the things my gut feeling tells me to do, and definitely spending quality time with myself, that makes me feel at peace <3

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