
London-based artist Niomí recently released her three-track EP Pain Relief. With the help of Nathanael Graham, Mat Roberts and Nathan Allen, the singer/songwriter/producer created a beautiful and emotional EP that explores the subjects of chronic pain, heartbreak and love.

Her latest single “With You”came after being in an abusive relationship.

“I had a long-term relationship which was abusive. I couldn’t be myself and the beginning of this track reflects the subtle changes that started around that time. I stopped writing songs, and was questioning myself. The chorus acknowledges the person that was there trying to just be but couldn’t whilst I was with them,” she explains.

This is my last interview of 2021 and I’m glad I got to end the year with this beautiful project. Niomí is such a special artist. Her music is pure, honest and vulnerable - the kind of music that makes you feel something real, and I’m glad I got to discover her :) Thank you Niomí for the conversation !!

Pain Relief is out now :)

Photo credit: Akua Allen

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

I’m an artist based in Southeast London. I also spent time living in Ireland growing up as a kid (my Dad is from there). My mother is Pakistani too so it’s a bit of a mish mash. I started making music when I was around 15 and I’ve been doing it ever since. 

What did you grow up listening to? 

My Dad listened to a lot of American artists like Lyle Lovett and James Taylor and my mum liked Barry White and Tina Turner. As I got older, I listened to a lot of R&B like Destiny’s Child and Sugababes. I also loved Alicia Keys and Nina Simone as they played the piano like me. Burial and M.I.A’s first albums came out when I was around 15 and really shaped my love for electronic music too.  

When did you know you could sing? 

At a sleepover with some friends. We all sang a song and when I sang my friends were like ‘Wow you need to enter the talent show at school’. I must have been about 13! I did enter and I didn’t win but it was the start of putting myself out there as a singer. 

Growing up, what were your favourite songs to sing along to? 

Stronger by Sugababes was a personal favourite! 

When did you realize you had to become an artist and release your original music? 

I started writing songs when I was still in school and then when I left, I knew I wanted to do something with music but I don’t think I really started taking myself seriously as an artist until the last 5 years or so. Before that I was in a band called Tidelines and when that ended, I think I knew it was the time to focus on my own music. 

Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

Probably those girls from the sleepover! I was very private before that and would only sing at home on my own when everybody was out. 

You recently released your EP Pain Relief - could you describe the song writing/production process for this project? Who helped you create it? 

I wrote the songs the EP at different points over the past few years. I usually start with a production idea and then expand from there until I have a demo. I brought the songs into the studio just before the pandemic hit and recorded the vocals, cello and live drums with Nathanael Graham who is actually a mix engineer but he recorded and co-produced with me too. Mat Roberts (cello) and Nathan Allen (drums) added their own touches too. 

What different topics are you talking about on this project? 

I've struggled with chronic pain since I was a young teenager, and it impacted my life in a lot of ways. I didn't really acknowledge it or take it seriously until a few years ago and I started to look at the ways I processed my pain and the ways in which it was intertwined with emotional events in my life too. The songs on the EP come from a place of pain but also offer some respite and show how something beautiful can come from that.

What did you feel when writing "With You"? 

I actually wrote this after a breakup and I had moved out into a new place after living with my ex for a long time. I think I was quite numb at the time so didn’t really process what I was writing lyrically but the song has a sample from the shower pipe that was in my temporary place I was staying until I was sorted so I remember everything feeling quite new and different at that time and looking back on the lyrics I can see that I was coming back to myself again even though it was tough at first to be alone.

What did you learn about yourself after finishing this EP? 

I think I learnt that the world doesn’t end if things take longer than expected. 

What do you like the most about this EP? 

I think the cello! I always wanted to add strings to my music, so I love how it sounds.

What does singing make you feel? 

I haven’t really thought about it before actually, but I guess it feels natural. 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

I think creating alone can be really hard. Especially with social media so it can be easy to compare and focus on your own work. It feels good to have people saying nice things about the music, to know that you’ve touched someone and made their day a little better. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

It can be quite exploitative so I would change that. I wish artists and musicians were respected more and would be paid fairly for their time and talent.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

This could be a very long list so I’ll just say more cups of tea. I’m obsessed. 

What biggest lessons have you learnt this year? 

I heard this quote at the beginning of the year ‘All you need is already within you…’ by Sri Nisargadatta. I try and remember that daily.

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