Nova Rose

Photo credit: Valerie Bourdon

I instantly loved “Need Me” the first time I heard it. Nova Rose has such a beautiful and unique voice, it makes her stand out from everyone else.

“Need Me” is empowering, catchy and fun. Learning to love ourselves and being kind to ourselves are so important and Nova Rose did a great job in reminding us that. “Need Me” is a pop record that will make us dance our troubles away. “Need Me” reminds us that it is okay to be on our own.

I’m so glad I got to discover Nova Rose early this year, and I can’t wait to hear more music from her.

“Need Me” is available now :)

Photo credit: Valerie Bourdon

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

Hey! My name is is Nova Rose and I am a singer and songwriter from Montreal, Canada. I started singing as soon as I could start talking, every night before bed my dad would play guitar and I would sing along. I’ve always used music as an outlet, it helps me relieve stress, creatively free myself and has helped me work through some tough times growing up! 


How would you define Nova Rose, the artist? 

Fun! I think of myself as a super fun and social person so I think my music also has those characteristics. Songs you want to dance to and play at a party, or just chill with your friends! 


“Need Me” is your new single - what’s the story/inspiration behind this song? 

When writing music, I’m inspired by not only my stories but also the stories I hear around me. Need Me is about loving yourself and figuring out that sometimes you are your own best friend. I find as a society we are super hard on ourselves, whether it be in relationships or every day life. Need Me really focuses on treating yourself right! 


When did you start working on it? Could you describe the songwriting/process for this single? 

I wrote this song a few months before the pandemic happened, looking back I had no idea that this song would help me through 2020. I starting writing this song with my friends and co-writers Jake Shtern and Mark Vesprini. They always have amazing ideas so when we got in the studio to write this, it kind of just flowed out. We then brought this idea to House of Wolf (Carlie Hanson, Cheat Codes, Jades Goudreault).

Listen to Need Me on Spotify. Nova Rose · Song · 2021.

 How was it like to collaborate with House of Wolf? How did you meet? 

It’s always so great collaborating with them. They are two super talented individuals always ready to take on new creative projects and songs. Alex, from my label actually set this up for me and it’s been amazing since then. 


What’s your favourite thing about this song? 

I really like the different dynamics the song has. The first verse and second verse have two completely different melodies, which I find super cool.


What made you want to release “Need Me” as a single? 

The message behind it. I thought it really fit with what people are currently going through. 


What can you tell us about the artwork? 

My childhood friend Valerie Bourdon created this! We did a day of shooting (before COVID) and I just sent her a bunch of moldboard for single covers, and from there she create this!


What’s your goal for this single? 

To reach a wider audience, and hope that it inspires people to love themselves and treat themselves with kindness. 


How would you define Pop music? 

This is a tough one. I think pop music along the years has shifted, and there are so many sub-genres & styles within pop music. For me, pop music is a super general term but I think that my music fits somewhere in the middle between dark pop and bubblegum pop.


As an artist, what are the biggest struggles? 

I think with COVID, the biggest struggles were getting into a studio with other creatives and vibing off each other. I really have started loving Zoom sessions though, its a different vibe but have still managed to make some cool stuff!


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

It’s crazy, I think social media has changed it. But I am in for the ride! I wouldn’t change a thing, I think all we can do as artists is adapt!


What appeals you the most about being an artist? 

The freedom I have when I am on stage and writing new music.


What does music make you feel? 

It sends me into a different orbit, hard to explain.


What do you want to accomplish professionally and personally? 

This is tough!! So many things, but I think professionally and personally I’d want to accomplish being 100% confident in what I say and do.


What biggest life lessons have you learned in 2020? 

To be kinder  & more gentle towards myself.


What are your goals for 2021? 

Hopefully some live shows (I miss them). Release new music & some new collaborations!


What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Be kind to yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are. 

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