Self Esteem
“Prioritise Pleasure” is a song that takes you a couple of listenings to make you say “ok this is huge”. Well, at least for me. The first time I listened to it, I thought this was super interesting and unique, so I kept listening to it. And the more I was listening to it, the more I thought “ok this is a banger”. And watching the video made me want to love the song even more. It’s an inspiring and empowering song/video.
Self Esteem will be releasing her new album Prioritise Pleasure on October 22nd via Fiction Records.
Photo credit: Olivia Richardson
“Prioritise Pleasure" is your new single (and album title) - what's the inspiration behind this song?
I’d come out of another relationship that had made me feel like I wasn’t enough AGAIN! I bounced back pretty quick but found myself in the studio wanting to craft an album that would help me have the power in myself to not settle for less than I deserve every time. Like if you practise something enough it becomes natural to you, so I wanted this album to be a war cry every day to remind myself to put me and my pleasure first.
Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this single? Who helped you create it?
I write most of the lyrics on my phone as and when they come to me. I can be very sporadic in terms of writing but after over a decade of being a songwriter I know now to not be hard on myself and wait it out. My producer Johan Karlberg and I then get together and build the music, sometimes he’ll play me something that blows my mind and I write to it, oftentimes I go in with something fully formed in my head and he helps me get it into reality. Sometimes we do nothing and watch space videos then go home at 3pm.
At what point did you know "Prioritise Pleasure" had to be the album title?
I’d decided about a year ago that I would call the record ‘I Do This All The Time’ but after PP became the monster song it is I thought hmm, hang on, this encapsulates everything I’m saying sonically and lyrically, and it’s a bit snappier which is always good in showbiz.
What can you tell us about the music video? What was the inspiration?
I shot 3 videos in one day so I had to keep all the concepts pretty simple. I just wanted to do the best choreography video I've done yet. We rehearsed more than we ever have for anything and it paid off!
What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?
Fair payment for the music we make?! Haha! I mean streaming has changed things forever, I love it, I use it! But in terms of how much work I do vs what I actually see in my bank account it is a bit crazy! If I was able to do anything else I would out of sheer logic! But as my calling is definitely being an artist I guess I just have to put it to one side and focus on the work.
What advice would you give to young artists?
Train to be an accountant !
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