STORRY. Wow. What an incredible talent. Her new single “Intimate Abuse” is definitely one of the best records I’ve ever heard in my entire life. It left me speechless the first time I heard it. It is mind-blowing. Her vocals are out of this world, the topic of the song is important and the melodies are timeless. I seriously can’t stop listening to it. I believe “Intimate Abuse” is STORRY’s best song yet and I believe it will get more and more attention. A song like this shouldn’t be unnoticed. At least, that’s what I believe. 

Congrats STORRY for releasing this empowering song, and thank you so much for this conversation. I am truly honored. 

Go stream “Intimate Abuse” now !

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

From opera trainee, to being coerced into the sex-inudustry, to becoming a 2X JUNO nominated artist - I have a lot of 'storry' to tell! ;-p

What did you grow up listening to? 

It started with the divas - Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and Celine Dion (who I was nominated alongside at the 2021 JUNO awards coincidentally which is super cool!). Those are the people I emulated and that's how I taught myself how to sing. 


When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

At about 9-10 years old when I wrote my first original song I knew I wanted to create - not just sing. Then when I studied opera for a year at the University of Toronto, it really solidified how much I wanted to write my own songs and create my own stories - not just sing other people's work (which is the majority of what you do in classical music).   


What was the biggest challenge when you first started? 

The music industry. It's a terribly toxic, misogynistic and ego driven space. Music in itself however, is pure. That flows easily. But everyone (especially people who feel they're an 'authority') want to give their two-cents on what art is supposed to sound like, look like, smell like... I don't fit into a ready-made box or label and everyone desperately wants to suffocate me into one. 


Who was the first person to ever believe in you? 

I was singing into a mic from the time I could sing my ABC's - and who do you think got me that mic?! My dad - he knew I was gonna be a star before anyone.


"Intimate Abuse" is your latest single - what's the story/inspiration behind this song? 

Being in a loving relationship that feels too good to be true at times after having survived abuse and sex-trafficking.


Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it? 

Dustin Dooley and Tadhg Daly - two amazing writers and producers in London - they helped me write this song and Dustin produced it. It was our first time meeting and writing together, so it's really special that we came up with something so powerful and dear to my heart. 


What did you feel when writing this song? 

How sometimes I just don't think I deserve love. After living through some really horrible situations - that becomes your norm and if feels odd to be so taken care of. I'm learning to accept love and safety as my new norm and it feels great. 


What can you tell us about the artwork? 

Everything I write is authentic. It's where I'm at at that very moment. I also like to be a part of the whole process because I love all levels of the creation. So, I generally am part of the writing, production, mix, master, videos, cover art etc... I've directed a lot of my own videos, including animating a claymation in my mother's basement for 4 months which you can watch HERE. I basically am a creative with different outlets.   


What message do you want to deliver to anyone going through an abusive relationship? 

It's hard to see it when you're in it. But slowly take steps to finding autonomy and self-worth. And build a support system around you. Abusers will generally try to tear those down. You can and WILL heal. You are worthy of love, safety, honesty and reciprocity. It may not feel like it, but you can and WILL find love that is ACTUALLY love. Love is safety, love is consistency, love is communication and understanding. I didn't think a love like that existed until I found it. It's real. It's out there. Don't settle for less. And never EVER think that the verbal or physical abuse, financial control and/or emotional abuse is your fault. That's violence and it's never the answer. 

What can you tell us about the deluxe edition of your debut album CH III: The Come Up?

It's a fresh spin on my first body of work. Some upbeat renditions of songs and a glimpse into some of the new sounds I'll be implementing in my next record.  


As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

Hardest part: Navigating the music industry. Being independent I sadly have to be my own manager, agent, promoter etc... ugh!

Best part: When people message me to tell me that I've inspired them to change their lives, had them thinking a new way - and in some instances - that the music and message has saved their lives. Eliciting positive change is the most exciting part of art in my opinion. It's powerful. 


How's it like to be a woman in the music industry? What message do you want to give to women out there? 

Being a woman in the industry, you'll have to work 10X harder, be 20X better, and still not receive the respect you deserve. That's not ok. Make sure when you go to meetings - bring someone else with you. I've made the mistake of going on my own. We need to band together - find other women and gender-non-comforming creatives and build our own space. Lift each other up and stop allowing these people to dictate how we make art. 


What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

It's the only thing I hate about making music lol. If I could change one thing it would be how people deem an artist's worth - which at the moment is through Spotify streams and social media stats. This has changed the quality of music, what it means, and the types of artists getting support. People say numbers don't lie, but they really do. And I don't mean just when people buy streams. This is a topic I could get into for a while so I won't bore you with an essay. 


In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

People quieting their egos enough to hear their authentic voice and operating from a place of love and compassion. I know that sounds super woo-woo and not very concrete but I don't know how else to say it succinctly. I don't understand people's obsession with controlling other people. I think the best way to achieve this understanding of self is through meditation. I went to a 10-day silence Vipassana meditation retreat and it changed my life. I think that should be a part of everyone's curriculum.  


What message do you want to give to the LGBTQ+ community? 

Continue shining. Simply by being your authentic selves, you're changing the world. 

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