
NYC trio Summerdrive has just released their latest single “Shimmer”.

Influenced by the 80s and today’s modern sound, “Shimmer” is a feel good uptempo record. Catchy and energetic, “Shimmer” is the perfect summer record.

The trio has created their own musical signature by combining all their influences into one distinctive sound and we’re here for it.

“Shimmer” is available now !

Introduce the trio - what's your story?

We’re all great friends born and raised in New York. We’ve been releasing music seriously since 2018, initially it was just Jake and Matt releasing music under a different band name. It wasn’t until this year in 2023 that Tim joined the band to round out the lineup; we then decided to change the band name to Summerdrive. We feel with this completed lineup we’re making the best music we’ve ever made and can’t wait for this new chapter as a band.

“Shimmer” is your new single - what’s the inspiration behind this song?

The overarching inspiration behind the song is chasing a feeling that has faded. Visiting the places that you’ve been with someone, whether it be a friend or partner, and those places not holding the same meaning as they once did. Ultimately realizing that sometimes it’s out of our control how these things end up.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this song? Who helped you create it?

The song was written and produced very collaboratively, with Jake and Tim leading the forefront of the songwriting and production. It was important for this song in particular to have been created so collaboratively because, as the first release under the new band project, we wanted a final product where we felt we all had input and were equally happy with the final product. Andrew Maury provided final mixing and Joe LaPorta of Sterling Sound mastered the track.

What’s your favorite lyric on “Shimmer”?

Some notable sections are the outro lyrics: “Bodies intertwined, I can feel you breathe. Held you in a moment, like it used to be. Burnt me out baby, but I let it bleed. Hoping just to catch the rush.” or the bridge “I trembled, you noticed. I’m selfishly lonely. I gave up the old me for you.”

What made you want to release “Shimmer” as a single?

The decision to release "Shimmer" actually came about at the very last second. We had a totally different song that was going to be the lead single until Jake pitched the demo of "Shimmer" to the band. After that, we all agreed it was the song that best represented the new band. It’s easily our strongest release to-date.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

The artwork was inspired by the song title “Shimmer” - featuring a woman with golden face paint shimmering in the sunlight. We didn’t want it to feel too on the nose, but to reflect the general feeling that the song invokes.

What are your thoughts on today’s music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

If we could change one thing in today's music industry it would be the stressed importance of social media. These days it feels like having a social media presence is more important than the music. It’s not to say that social media is not a useful tool to market your music and reach new people, but it’s definitely important that music remains the focus of the music industry.

What biggest lessons have you learned since the beginning of your career?

We always say that the song comes first. No matter how many times the music industry ebbs and flows, and no matter how many times you need to re-learn or re-adjust the way you do things, nothing is more important than having great songs.

What advice would you give to artists out there?

Have patience and persistence. A big part of this industry is getting knocked down and being able to get back up and keep moving forward. If you have high quality songs, a great live show, and a product that you believe in, we firmly believe it’s only a matter of time to get where you want to go.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?
That’s a loaded question and certainly one above our paygrade, but it never hurts to be kind to one another. 

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