The Ugly Boys

I spent a long time studying their music before interviewing them. I rarely get to feature hip-hop artists on my blog because it’s been hard to find GOOD and interesting ones. But these guys stood out from everything I’ve ever heard so far. The Ugly Boys is a sick group with an authentic sound and a true musical signature. Their music feels like a breath of fresh air and it might be one of the best music I’ve heard in a while. “Run Away!” and “Life Could be a Dream” are killer records and their latest single “Down Down Down” is fucking incredible.

So make sure to stream “Down Down Down” now available on major streaming platforms :)

Introduce the group - what's your story? 

We all grew up in Santa Cruz California and met in high school. Jacob and Quinn started making music together their sophomore year, and a year or so later, Sam joined as well. We released a few singles together and started work on a mixtape, which came out in May of 2020. Since then, we’ve grown a lot online and have been able to release a lot of dope stuff!

How would you define The Ugly Boys? 

Pretty self explanatory if you ask me. We’re a group of super ugly people posing as a hip-hop trio.

"Down Down Down" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this single? 

Quinn fell down the stairs so we recorded and sampled it.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process for this particular single? 

This was one that we worked on very much as a group in the songwriting process. Every line was definitely a joint effort between the three of us, which made it extra interesting. Jacob produced the song the night before we recorded it, and the entire recording process from beginning to end took about 3 collective days, but spread out over the course of a few weeks.

Listen to Down Down Down on Spotify. The Ugly Boys · Song · 2021.

What do you like the most about this single? 

The collaborativeness between the three of us.

What can you tell us about the artwork? 

Jacob made it, and It’s inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, a movie we’re all fans of.

You released your debut album Game of Chance last year - what did you learn about yourselves after finishing this record? 

We were taking a long time on it, and dragging everything out in order to try to make it as perfect as possible. A few months after it dropped we started to notice things that went unnoticed or that we would have changed. Basically goes to show that there’s no such thing as true perfection.

What's the best part about being in a group? 

None of us are afraid to tell anyone else in the group that what they wrote sucks. 

What advice would you give to anyone who'd like to form a band? 

Don’t take it too seriously!

Any upcoming project? 

Just a lot more singles at the moment! But we’re hyped to start working on another project when the time’s right.

What major life lessons have you learned so far? 

Don’t eat the yellow snow.

What message do you want to deliver to the world? 

Don’t eat the yellow snow.

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