Theresa Rex

What an amazing way to kick of the new year with this new pop banger by Theresa Rex.

Fusing memorable melodies with energetic vocals, “Bad Blood” was produced by Lasse Baunkilde and co-written with Daniel Schulz.

The new single is an anthem dedicated to anyone who ever experienced a break-up with a friend. The perfect pop anthem that will make you feel powerful.

“BAD BLOOD” is available now !

Photo credit: Lil!

Hi Theresa, how are you? What's your story? 
I am so good. Well it's long, never ending. Ask me anything. :)

When did you know you could sing?

I knew pretty early on, I was singing before I spoke, and dancing before I walked, so my mom saw it very early and tried to nurture my talent. So she took me to the church choir when I was nine, and the local musical theatre. Everything she could find that would teach me for free. The dancing didn't really stick though.

What did you grow up listening to? 

My parents were big music lovers, so I had Stevie Nicks, Whitney Houston , Billie Holiday and David Bowie spinning on the record player as the soundtrack to my childhood.
I knew every word and every adlib. I guess I was a very impressionable child.

At what point did you know music was more than just a hobby? When did you know you had to be an artist and release your original music? 

I had honestly never expected to be able to support myself with just music, I had a guidance counselor tell me that it was impossible, and I wholeheartedly believed him.
But then I sort of stumbled into it. I was playing with my Jazz band on a local square, when a songwriter duo walked by, and wanted me to sing a song they had written for a DJ. That song was 'Solo Dance' - It now has more than 700 million streams. So that paved the way. And I was sort of thrown into the big leagues.

"Bad Blood" is your latest single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

Well, It's a song about a friend-breakup. A true story about me and a friend, like a really good friend, a ride or die, blood-sisters, secret clubhouse kind of friend, who completely broke my heart.

Could you describe the songwriting/production process behind this song? Who helped you create it?

I met up with producer Lasse Baunkilde, a brilliant producer and instrumentalist. And Daniel Schulz who is a songwriter, K-pop God and has beautiful melodies. I will always show up with a few Ideas, for titles and concepts. I am very much a lyrical person. I do make melodies too, but the storytelling and phonetics of words are my fave. 
We found a vibe, bounced some ideas back and forth, and it turned into a song, as it often does.

What did you feel when recording this song? 

I had so much fun, and love working with these guys. And the story is from way back, so im over it.
But I love writing these Angry songs, where I just get to yell into the mic.

What's your favorite lyric on "Bad Blood"? 
I don't wish you well; Miss you, you know it but go to hell !

What made you want to release "Bad Blood" as your first single of the year?

Wanted to start the new year with a BANG, so I couldn't think of a better way to do it. 

What message do you want to deliver through this song? What do you want people to feel when listening to it?

I wanted to make an anthem for the girls who have been screwed over. My friendships are some of the most reliable and important relationships I have in my life, so they are not to be wasted. So it's fries before guys, and it's just really good to yell along to! 

Could you list a few records that influenced the music you are making today?

A healthy mix of new and old artists like The Runaways, Astrid S, Blondie, Selena Gomez and many more 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

Well the music industry is very much an industry like many others. I would love to see more of the profits go to the workers, meaning creatives; artists, producers and songwriters. Instead of all the profit ending up with the big labels, bosses and tech companies.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

It would be great if world leaders would stop prioritising  money over people and humanity. 
And a better distribution of wealth, too many people have too much, and too many people have too little.

What biggest life lessons have you learned this year?

I think that this is something I get better at every year, but just giving a little bit less of a shit about what people think of me. It makes it so much easier to be authentic, and put out the music that I want to make, and not the music I think I am expected to make. And easier to just exist as a person in the world. not having to be anything else than what I am.

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