I've been waking up at 6am (sometimes earlier) everyday ever since this quarantine started. This same thought comes to my mind "go back to sleep, it's too early", but I can't. After that I take some time to breathe and then immediately realize that today wouldn't be 'normal'. Each day is an emotional rollercoaster. Sad, anxious, stressed, scared, hopeful, happy and then anxious again. It's very strange. I am trying to hold my tears as I am writing this. I'm a pretty positive person but it's been really hard to hold it together lately. And it's only the beginning.
I'm used to stay home because I've been working from home for quite some time. There's no big change for me. But the situation around the world makes it hard to "live" properly. It affects our mental health everyday.
But there's plenty of beauty around. All these conversations with family and friends are very important to keep us sane. I've been laughing a lot during that time, and I am planning to do that everyday. I've been talking to many people from different places around the world. I received so much love. I did my best to send love back.
I was talking to a friend today and said to him "I'm used to be that girl who does everything to help people, today it feels good to see people being kind and more thoughtful". My mom even wished me a "happy birthday", which never happened before (not because she doesn't care but she's not into love declarations and emotions lol).
Hopefully this experience will make us better people. I hope people will remember how this experience brought us all together.
During this process, I've been trying to spread love and positivity through different initiatives. It keeps me going. I love seeing people doing good. And I'll keep doing that, every day.
If you're reading this, we're all in this together. We all feel the same feelings together. Let's stay positive and never stop communicating with each other.
We will be okay.
Much love,
- V