"A World Gone By", an EP by Blake Rose
Photo credit: Anthony Pham
I’ve been supporting Blake since his single “Lost”. I literally couldn’t stop talking about this song because I knew it was going to be huge, and it did become pretty huge. EVERYBODY loves this song.
He has been releasing some incredible songs since then and today he dropped his debut project ever, and it’s called A World Gone By.
Is that okay to say that this EP is perfect ? Because I think it is. I love the rock/alternative/pop influences, the 80s influence, the importance of guitars, the use of synths and big drums and the modern sound he brought into each production. The songwriting is pure, honest and meaningful. Blake Rose is a genius.
"Casanova" is an instant smash. "Rollerblades" is probably the biggest record on this project. This song is anthemic and timeless, and it makes you want to listen to it on repeat. This is a feel good song for sure. And the music video brilliantly represents the song. Everybody would want to learn how to rollerblade now.
"A World Gone By" is my second favorite song of this project. The guitars on this song are just incredible, so as the songwriting. Perfect song.
"Sweet Caledonia" is another huge record. I mean, he somehow managed to add bagpipes in the production ?? And the drums are crazy.
"Ordinary People" is sad as fuck and you can't go wrong with a song like that. I love the storytelling on this one and I love the emotion he delivers through his vocals and lyrics.
"Movie" is one of the best songs ever released in 2021. Great songwriting. Big melodies. Plus, he co-wrote this song with Nasri and this guy is one of my favorite songwriters ever.
"Hearts A Mess" perfectly ends the project. It sounds cinematic. Absolutely stunning.
Everything about this project is amazing but man, the production on this EP is fucking insane. What’s even more impressive is that he mostly wrote and produced these songs himself, and that is amazing. This EP proves that Blake Rose is a true Artist, but also a brilliant songwriter and producer.
I am really hoping to get to hear/see these songs live someday and with a full band. These songs need to be heard live.
Blake Rose never ceases to amaze me. This EP is honestly one of the best projects I've ever heard this year. I've been listening to it on repeat even before release day and I loved listening to it every single time. I don't think I could ever get tired of listening to it. That's how GOOD it is. And I’m glad we got to discover 4 new songs and not just one new song lol That is a real EP right here.
Congrats Blake. You should be proud of yourself for all the work and dedication you put into this project. You are a legend.
ps: we need a European tour asap.