Alle The dreamer

Someone recently asked me if there was any artist I was really excited about and I told them I haven’t heard anything new for a little while. But when I first heard Alle The Dreamer’s new single “Lonely Hallucinations”, I was immediately hooked. I rarely use the word “perfect” but this song is definitely perfect. Her voice is magical and the production brilliantly blends with the captivating melodies. “Lonely Hallucinations” is, without a doubt, the best song I’ve heard lately.

Go stream “Lonely Hallucinations” now !!

Photo credit: Kate Dockeray

Introduce yourself - what's your story?

I’ve been a music lover since I was a young girl, singing ever since I could talk. I Spent my 20’s traveling the world and writing music in quirky studios in North London & quirky home studios in Los Angeles. I focused exclusively on building my writing chops and got a couple of cool cuts with some major artists, that still feels surreal today. I also spent a good amount of time waiting on major cuts that never came and looking back, I wouldn’t change a single thing because I’m happy with who I am today. I’m a grandmother at heart who loves to stay at home, hang with my 3 Bichons, write music on zoom and constantly wanderlust, trying to plan my next adventure. I’m also that person who contemplates what I’m having for dinner all day long.

What did you grow up listening to?

I was 6 years old when I started voice lessons and my singing teacher at the time was a major jazz buff. She introduced me to Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Louis Armstrong, Norah Jones just to name a few. Every Saturday, I used to climb the steps to her walk up, so excited for what we would listen to that day on Vinyl. She shared with me her collection, let me borrow her tapes and discs. She had such love and a deep appreciation for music, it lit a fire in me. It made me realize how I want to make music from the soul and make people happy. This truly was the moment I was like wow, I’d love to do this for people.

When did you know you could sing?

Singing always came very natural for me. It wasn’t something I thought about and just did. It really was when people started complimenting me did my parents realize wow this is something we should encourage our daughter to do and help nurture this passion.

What made you want to become an artist and release your original music?

Music is an incredible thing. It has power, just like love, to unite everyone despite our differences. I create music from the purest form in my heart. I really want to make music that will build a community bring like-minded people together. Imagine that!

Who was the first person to ever believe in you?

Hmm… I think I would have to say both my parents. But also, my grandfather Vincenzo, he used to call me on the phone from Italy every day when I was a young girl and ask me how my music was going. I’ll never forget the last time I saw him, he was in a wheelchair, so different from the big, strong, man I knew, and whispered in my ear “You’re going to be a big star. I just know it. I just know it”, and then winked as he usually did. I think of that special moment often when I’m faced with insecurity and indecision. I’m blessed to say that I have a lot of people in my life who believe in me & my music. I truly wouldn’t be here today without my parents & my brother who were there for me through the highs and lows that I faced in my music career thus far and in my personal life.

"Lonely Hallucinations" is your new single - what's the story/inspiration behind this single?

Lonely Hallucinations is a true break-up song. It’s a song about being lost in your thoughts and daydreams. At the time, I was dealing with crippling anxiety, regrets over past decisions, indecision over what I wanted in life and just generally overwhelmed.

When did you start working on "Lonely Hallucinations"? Could you describe the songwriting/production for this single? Who helped you create it?

I wrote this song with my friend & producer Derek Hoffman. It was the first song we ever wrote together & it was so incredibly effortless. I was very very exhausted, I had had another writing session the night before that finished late, like 4am kind of late. I almost cancelled our session, but I told myself “Alessia, push through, you need to go, it’s okay if you’re tired just show up”. At that time, I had been reading a lot of motivational books about the magic of showing up, so I just went for it. I’m incredibly happy I did. Not only did we write a song I’m incredibly proud of, but (without realizing it at the time) it was also the start of a new musical chapter I had embarked on.

What's your favorite thing about this song?

My favorite thing about this song is the dreamy soundscape we captured in the production. That combined with the melody and lyrics, it’s just a song I’m very proud of to be honest.

What made you want to release "Lonely Hallucinations" as a single?

Both myself & my team felt like it was the perfect first single to release as an introduction to my world and my music.

What can you tell us about the artwork?

I worked with a local photographer Kate Dockeray. She is incredibly talented and has a unique vision. I’m incredibly grateful for her supportive and encouraging energy she gave me to me on the shoot & we just had a total blast. I had all these outfits I put together with fun accessories & Kate had actually created a carboard car cut out for the original cover art in which I was posing beside and trying desperately not to break as it was being held up by a few pieces of tape. At the same time we a gigantic fan blowing at my face so we would achieve the Beyonce hair effect. It was SO much fun and totally outside of my comfort zone but I loved every minute of it.

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part?

Hardest part of being an artist is accepting that you are someone with influence. You can use your influence for the greater good of humanity and your craft or you can let this pressure distract you and destroy your mental health. It’s all about grounding yourself and finding the balance. That’s the challenge. I’m lucky to have people in my life that keep me inspired, level headed, humble & challenge me when needed.
The best part is we get to create music for the sheer love of it!! It took me not making music for a few years because I was totally burnt out, to coming back from my break & creating music full of inspiration and joy. I’m happy and grateful when I get the opportunity to meet new people and exchange our life stories and lessons. Like what kind of a dope job is that? I always exclaim with my co-writers when go into my sessions, “Let’s just have fun, I mean we’re not doctors or anything”. If I can inspire others and create music that I’m proud of, that’s all I really want out of life.

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I miss when people didn’t ask about your follower number, but c’est la vie. Creativity and imagination for me is still way more impactful than the influencer approach of re-creating trends and I say that with total respect. Numbers and dollar signs aren’t everything. Sometimes it’s really about creating a legacy and staying true to yourself and keeping that authenticity.

What advice would you give to songwriters out there?

Write, write, write but also make sure to enjoy the journey along the way. Don’t give up everything you love at the hopes of being successful. Make time for the things you love in addition to working at your craft. This will bring a balance to your life and a different kind of fulfillment.

Do you remember a specific time where music made a huge difference in your life?

Anytime I needed reassurance, I turned to music. Anytime I needed a shoulder to cry on, I turned to music. Anytime I wanted to celebrate, I turned to music. Anytime I needed anything at all, I turned to music. It has been there for me in all the phases of my life. Happy times, sad times, changing times. It’s the constant companion I’ve always relied on that has never let me down.

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?

More people who care. More people who view vulnerability as strength, who celebrate sensitivity as a superpower & more people who are open and humble to the idea that they could be wrong and want to learn and be better.

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far?

Here are a few just off the top of my head…

1.You can’t force anything in life.
2. Go where you are celebrated and wanted
3. Accept what you cannot change, change what you cannot accept
4. Don’t sweat the small stuff
5. Slow and steady always wins the race
6. Never take the people you love for granted
7. You don’t owe anything to anyone, but you do owe it to yourself to be happy.
8. Your mental health comes first even before your job
9. Prioritize having fun!! I mean come on, we are only here for a short while, please do try to do things you enjoy
10. Nature is the greatest teacher and healer

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