Zac Hart

“Body Language” by Zac Hart is the kind of songs I live for. I could totally listen to this song on repeat for a very long time. It has those timeless pop melodies with that solid country/pop production. The chorus is contagious. “Body Language” is a smash.

Zac Hart definitely delivered one of his best records to date.

“Body Language” is now available worldwide.

Photo credit: MoonBox Media

Introduce yourself - what's your story? 

My name is Zac Hart. I’m originally from Corbin, Kentucky about an hour north of Knoxville. I grew up with a love of music. Ever since I could remember, I loved music and anything to do with music. I don’t think it was until I had a family member that was in a bluegrass band when I was about 4 or 5 years old that it kind of clicked in my mind that this was something that people could do. They were traveling, playing shows, playing their instruments, selling CD’s and all that stuff. I was always mesmerized watching them. And when I was 10, I told my parents that I really wanted to pursue it, and they were right there with me every step of the way. We would drive down to Harrogate, TN on the weekends so I could play with the live band and that was an early educational experience that I’m so thankful for. Started playing fairs, festivals, and so the story goes… and here we are now! 

What did you grow up listening to? 

I grew up listening to mostly country, 90s country, traditional country music, bluegrass, and gospel music. Of course, there were some other styles thrown in the mix but it wasn’t until my 14th birthday in 2012, my dad bought me the new Taylor Swift album (Red) that I kind of started to get into pop music. That album was her bridge from country to pop and I was intrigued by the songwriting, the production, the wide range of genres that she was seemingly effortlessly conquering that it kind of became my bridge into other genres as well. I got into pop and rock, started going back into the 70s and 80s and really just began to really discover music again for myself. It was an important part of my journey and a huge influence on me and the music that I make. 

When did you know you could sing? 

I don’t know when I really became confident in being able to sing but I always knew that I liked it. From my earliest memories I always loved to sing. I was always singing everywhere I went and it’s still my favorite thing to do and I’m so blessed that I get to do it as a career. 

When did you start writing songs? What was the biggest challenge when you first started? 

I started writing when I was 10. I was told when I first started singing publicly all the time that the important thing to get started doing was writing my own songs. I think from that young of an age the challenge is to simply… get better. I think I began to really get better quickly around 13 or 14 years old. I began to write a lot and forced myself to write a lot. I also got lucky enough to land myself in some rooms with people who could help me as a writer to grow and stretch myself but also be mentors for me. The main obstacle I think will always be the discipline and making yourself sit down and exercise the muscle regularly because that’s the only way you get better. 

At what point did you know you had to become an artist and release your original music? 

I think that was always the dream I saw myself living. I don’t think I really ever wanted to do anything else the way I wanted to do music. I always knew deep down that this is what I wanted to do and figuring out how to do it professionally was a journey of its own. 

"Body Language" is your new single - what's the inspiration behind this song? 

“Body Language” is a really fun song. It’s just a feel-good, love song and it’s different concept-wise than some of my other music but musically and stylistically it’s all me and I’m so proud of the song. I think people can vibe to it easily and hopefully be able to relate it their own relationships. It was just a fun write with my friend, Jacob Frish, and I’m happy we’ve been able to bring it to life together! 

When did you start working on "Body Language"? Could you describe the songwriting/production process? Who helped you create it? 

Yeah! So “Body Language” was written last summer around the time we were wrapping up production on my ‘Pieces’ EP. I always loved the song when Jacob and I wrote it. We knew it had a really good vibe and it felt good to play, and we wrote it pretty quickly too! After sitting with the demo for a while, I told Jacob I wanted to record it and he produced it and did an amazing job with the track. We had some amazing musicians contribute too like Leah Burkey and Chris Condon. It’s just been a great all-around experience with this song from start to finish. 

What's your favorite lyric on "Body Language"? 

Without even thinking, I really like “I could do this forever, there ain’t nothing better.” It’s simple but it feels so good to sing and it really says it all right there in those 2 lines what the song is all about, and how it feels to have that connection with someone. 

What made you want to release "Body Language" as a single? 

It was a really good vibe when we wrote it. I sat with the demo for a while and just thought it’d be a fun one to play with my band and have people listen to. We’ve been playing in my shows now for about a year and the response was always great with it! 

As an artist, what is the hardest part? And what is the best part? 

The hardest part is all the time, sweat, and energy that goes into it mentally, physically, financially. But of course, we wouldn’t do it if we didn’t love it. It takes lot but the best part is when you meet someone who has connected to your music and they truly love and support what you do, and it means something to them. That’s why I love doing this. 

What are your thoughts on today's music industry? If you could change one thing, what would it be? 

*laughs* You know what? I’m not too sure about that one. I think it’s an ever-changing industry. I went to school for it and I’m still trying to figure it out. I wish it would slow down sometimes, especially while I’m learning it, but like I said before. Timing is everything and things happen when they are supposed to! 

What's the best advice you've ever received? 

Always be nice to people. You never know who needs it. 

In your opinion, what would make the world a better place? 

More love. It seems like we’re always fighting and angry. So maybe if we could love each other through our differences, we wouldn’t be so divided. 

What biggest life lessons have you learned so far? 

Trust that timing is everything. Work hard and everything will happen exactly how it is meant to happen! 

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